
225 lines
7.0 KiB

package trust
import (
// trustTagKey represents a unique signed tag and hex-encoded hash pair
type trustTagKey struct {
TagName string
HashHex string
// trustTagRow encodes all human-consumable information for a signed tag, including signers
type trustTagRow struct {
Signers []string
type trustTagRowList []trustTagRow
func (tagComparator trustTagRowList) Len() int {
return len(tagComparator)
func (tagComparator trustTagRowList) Less(i, j int) bool {
return tagComparator[i].TagName < tagComparator[j].TagName
func (tagComparator trustTagRowList) Swap(i, j int) {
tagComparator[i], tagComparator[j] = tagComparator[j], tagComparator[i]
func newInspectCommand(dockerCli command.Cli) *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "inspect [OPTIONS] IMAGE[:TAG]",
Short: "Display detailed information about keys and signatures",
Args: cli.ExactArgs(1),
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return lookupTrustInfo(dockerCli, args[0])
return cmd
func lookupTrustInfo(cli command.Cli, remote string) error {
ctx := context.Background()
imgRefAndAuth, err := command.GetImageReferencesAndAuth(ctx, cli, remote)
if err != nil {
return err
tag := imgRefAndAuth.Tag()
notaryRepo, err := cli.NotaryClient(*imgRefAndAuth, trust.ActionsPullOnly)
if err != nil {
return trust.NotaryError(imgRefAndAuth.Reference().Name(), err)
if err = clearChangeList(notaryRepo); err != nil {
return err
defer clearChangeList(notaryRepo)
// Retrieve all released signatures, match them, and pretty print them
allSignedTargets, err := notaryRepo.GetAllTargetMetadataByName(tag)
if err != nil {
logrus.Debug(trust.NotaryError(imgRefAndAuth.Reference().Name(), err))
// print an empty table if we don't have signed targets, but have an initialized notary repo
if _, ok := err.(client.ErrNoSuchTarget); !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("No signatures or cannot access %s", remote)
signatureRows := matchReleasedSignatures(allSignedTargets)
if len(signatureRows) > 0 {
if err := printSignatures(cli.Out(), signatureRows); err != nil {
return err
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(cli.Out(), "\nNo signatures for %s\n\n", remote)
// get the administrative roles
adminRolesWithSigs, err := notaryRepo.ListRoles()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("No signers for %s", remote)
// get delegation roles with the canonical key IDs
delegationRoles, err := notaryRepo.GetDelegationRoles()
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("no delegation roles found, or error fetching them for %s: %v", remote, err)
signerRoleToKeyIDs := getDelegationRoleToKeyMap(delegationRoles)
// If we do not have additional signers, do not display
if len(signerRoleToKeyIDs) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(cli.Out(), "\nList of signers and their keys:\n\n")
printSignerInfo(cli.Out(), signerRoleToKeyIDs)
// This will always have the root and targets information
fmt.Fprintf(cli.Out(), "\nAdministrative keys for %s:\n", strings.Split(remote, ":")[0])
printSortedAdminKeys(cli.Out(), adminRolesWithSigs)
return nil
func printSortedAdminKeys(out io.Writer, adminRoles []client.RoleWithSignatures) {
sort.Slice(adminRoles, func(i, j int) bool { return adminRoles[i].Name > adminRoles[j].Name })
for _, adminRole := range adminRoles {
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s", formatAdminRole(adminRole))
func formatAdminRole(roleWithSigs client.RoleWithSignatures) string {
adminKeyList := roleWithSigs.KeyIDs
var role string
switch roleWithSigs.Name {
case data.CanonicalTargetsRole:
role = "Repository Key"
case data.CanonicalRootRole:
role = "Root Key"
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:\t%s\n", role, strings.Join(adminKeyList, ", "))
func getDelegationRoleToKeyMap(rawDelegationRoles []data.Role) map[string][]string {
signerRoleToKeyIDs := make(map[string][]string)
for _, delRole := range rawDelegationRoles {
switch delRole.Name {
case trust.ReleasesRole, data.CanonicalRootRole, data.CanonicalSnapshotRole, data.CanonicalTargetsRole, data.CanonicalTimestampRole:
signerRoleToKeyIDs[notaryRoleToSigner(delRole.Name)] = delRole.KeyIDs
return signerRoleToKeyIDs
// aggregate all signers for a "released" hash+tagname pair. To be "released," the tag must have been
// signed into the "targets" or "targets/releases" role. Output is sorted by tag name
func matchReleasedSignatures(allTargets []client.TargetSignedStruct) trustTagRowList {
signatureRows := trustTagRowList{}
// do a first pass to get filter on tags signed into "targets" or "targets/releases"
releasedTargetRows := map[trustTagKey][]string{}
for _, tgt := range allTargets {
if isReleasedTarget(tgt.Role.Name) {
releasedKey := trustTagKey{tgt.Target.Name, hex.EncodeToString(tgt.Target.Hashes[notary.SHA256])}
releasedTargetRows[releasedKey] = []string{}
// now fill out all signers on released keys
for _, tgt := range allTargets {
targetKey := trustTagKey{tgt.Target.Name, hex.EncodeToString(tgt.Target.Hashes[notary.SHA256])}
// only considered released targets
if _, ok := releasedTargetRows[targetKey]; ok && !isReleasedTarget(tgt.Role.Name) {
releasedTargetRows[targetKey] = append(releasedTargetRows[targetKey], notaryRoleToSigner(tgt.Role.Name))
// compile the final output as a sorted slice
for targetKey, signers := range releasedTargetRows {
signatureRows = append(signatureRows, trustTagRow{targetKey, signers})
return signatureRows
// pretty print with ordered rows
func printSignatures(out io.Writer, signatureRows trustTagRowList) error {
trustTagCtx := formatter.Context{
Output: out,
Format: formatter.NewTrustTagFormat(),
// convert the formatted type before printing
formattedTags := []formatter.SignedTagInfo{}
for _, sigRow := range signatureRows {
formattedSigners := sigRow.Signers
if len(formattedSigners) == 0 {
formattedSigners = append(formattedSigners, fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", releasedRoleName))
formattedTags = append(formattedTags, formatter.SignedTagInfo{
Name: sigRow.TagName,
Digest: sigRow.HashHex,
Signers: formattedSigners,
return formatter.TrustTagWrite(trustTagCtx, formattedTags)
func printSignerInfo(out io.Writer, roleToKeyIDs map[string][]string) error {
signerInfoCtx := formatter.Context{
Output: out,
Format: formatter.NewSignerInfoFormat(),
Trunc: true,
formattedSignerInfo := formatter.SignerInfoList{}
for name, keyIDs := range roleToKeyIDs {
formattedSignerInfo = append(formattedSignerInfo, formatter.SignerInfo{
Name: name,
Keys: keyIDs,
return formatter.SignerInfoWrite(signerInfoCtx, formattedSignerInfo)