
155 lines
5.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package docker.swarmkit.v1;
import "";
import "";
import "";
import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
import "";
message Object {
oneof Object {
Node node = 1;
Service service = 2;
Network network = 3;
Task task = 4;
Cluster cluster = 5;
Secret secret = 6;
Resource resource = 7;
Extension extension = 8;
Config config = 9;
// FIXME(aaronl): These messages should ideally be embedded in SelectBy, but
// protoc generates bad code for that.
message SelectBySlot {
string service_id = 1 [(gogoproto.customname) = "ServiceID"];
uint64 slot = 2;
message SelectByCustom {
string kind = 1;
string index = 2;
string value = 3;
message SelectBy {
// TODO(aaronl): Are all of these things we want to expose in
// the API? Exposing them may commit us to maintaining those
// internal indices going forward.
oneof By {
// supported by all object types
string id = 1 [(gogoproto.customname) = "ID"]; // not applicable for FindObjects - use GetObject instead
string id_prefix = 2 [(gogoproto.customname) = "IDPrefix"];
string name = 3;
string name_prefix = 4;
SelectByCustom custom = 5;
SelectByCustom custom_prefix = 6;
// supported by tasks only
string service_id = 7 [(gogoproto.customname) = "ServiceID"];
string node_id = 8 [(gogoproto.customname) = "NodeID"];
SelectBySlot slot = 9;
TaskState desired_state = 10;
// supported by nodes only
NodeRole role = 11;
NodeSpec.Membership membership = 12;
// supported by: service, task
string referenced_network_id = 13 [(gogoproto.customname) = "ReferencedNetworkID"];
string referenced_secret_id = 14 [(gogoproto.customname) = "ReferencedSecretID"];
string referenced_config_id = 16 [(gogoproto.customname) = "ReferencedConfigID"];
// supported by: resource
string kind = 15;
// Watch defines the RPC methods for monitoring data store change.
service Watch {
// Watch starts a stream that returns any changes to objects that match
// the specified selectors. When the stream begins, it immediately sends
// an empty message back to the client. It is important to wait for
// this message before taking any actions that depend on an established
// stream of changes for consistency.
rpc Watch(WatchRequest) returns (stream WatchMessage) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
message WatchRequest {
message WatchEntry {
// Kind can contain a builtin type such as "node", "secret", etc. or
// the kind specified by a custom-defined object.
string kind = 1;
// Action (create/update/delete)
// This is a bitmask, so multiple actions may be OR'd together
WatchActionKind action = 2;
// Filters are combined using AND logic - an event must match
// all of them to pass the filter.
repeated SelectBy filters = 3;
// Multiple entries are combined using OR logic - i.e. if an event
// matches all of the selectors specified in any single watch entry,
// the event will be sent to the client.
repeated WatchEntry entries = 1;
// ResumeFrom provides an version to resume the watch from, if non-nil.
// The watch will return changes since this version, and continue to
// return new changes afterwards. Watch will return an error if the
// server has compacted its log and no longer has complete history to
// this point.
Version resume_from = 2;
// IncludeOldObject causes WatchMessages to include a copy of the
// previous version of the object on updates. Note that only live
// changes will include the old object (not historical changes
// retrieved using ResumeFrom).
bool include_old_object = 3;
// WatchMessage is the type of the stream that's returned to the client by
// Watch. Note that the first item of this stream will always be a WatchMessage
// with a nil Object, to signal that the stream has started.
message WatchMessage {
message Event {
// Action (create/update/delete)
// Note that WatchMessage does not expose "commit" events that
// mark transaction boundaries.
WatchActionKind action = 1;
// Matched object
Object object = 2;
// For updates, OldObject will optionally be included in the
// watch message, containing the previous version of the
// object, if IncludeOldObject was set in WatchRequest.
Object old_object = 3;
repeated Event events = 1;
// Index versions this change to the data store. It can be used to
// resume the watch from this point.
Version version = 2;
// WatchActionKind distinguishes between creations, updates, and removals. It
// is structured as a bitmap so multiple kinds of events can be requested with
// a mask.
enum WatchActionKind {
option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix) = false;
option (gogoproto.enum_customname) = "WatchActionKind";
WATCH_ACTION_UNKNOWN = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "WatchActionKindUnknown"]; // default value, invalid
WATCH_ACTION_CREATE = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "WatchActionKindCreate"];
WATCH_ACTION_UPDATE = 2 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "WatchActionKindUpdate"];
WATCH_ACTION_REMOVE = 4 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "WatchActionKindRemove"];