
399 lines
12 KiB

package container
import (
units ""
type copyOptions struct {
source string
destination string
followLink bool
copyUIDGID bool
quiet bool
type copyDirection int
const (
fromContainer copyDirection = 1 << iota
acrossContainers = fromContainer | toContainer
type cpConfig struct {
followLink bool
copyUIDGID bool
quiet bool
sourcePath string
destPath string
container string
// copyProgressPrinter wraps io.ReadCloser to print progress information when
// copying files to/from a container.
type copyProgressPrinter struct {
toContainer bool
total *float64
writer io.Writer
func (pt *copyProgressPrinter) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := pt.ReadCloser.Read(p)
* += float64(n)
if err == nil {
fmt.Fprint(pt.writer, aec.Restore)
fmt.Fprint(pt.writer, aec.EraseLine(aec.EraseModes.All))
if pt.toContainer {
fmt.Fprintln(pt.writer, "Copying to container - "+units.HumanSize(*
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(pt.writer, "Copying from container - "+units.HumanSize(*
return n, err
// NewCopyCommand creates a new `docker cp` command
func NewCopyCommand(dockerCli command.Cli) *cobra.Command {
var opts copyOptions
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Short: "Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem",
Long: strings.Join([]string{
"Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem\n",
"\nUse '-' as the source to read a tar archive from stdin\n",
"and extract it to a directory destination in a container.\n",
"Use '-' as the destination to stream a tar archive of a\n",
"container source to stdout.",
}, ""),
Args: cli.ExactArgs(2),
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if args[0] == "" {
return errors.New("source can not be empty")
if args[1] == "" {
return errors.New("destination can not be empty")
opts.source = args[0]
opts.destination = args[1]
if !cmd.Flag("quiet").Changed {
// User did not specify "quiet" flag; suppress output if no terminal is attached
opts.quiet = !dockerCli.Out().IsTerminal()
return runCopy(dockerCli, opts)
Annotations: map[string]string{
"aliases": "docker container cp, docker cp",
flags := cmd.Flags()
flags.BoolVarP(&opts.followLink, "follow-link", "L", false, "Always follow symbol link in SRC_PATH")
flags.BoolVarP(&opts.copyUIDGID, "archive", "a", false, "Archive mode (copy all uid/gid information)")
flags.BoolVarP(&opts.quiet, "quiet", "q", false, "Suppress progress output during copy. Progress output is automatically suppressed if no terminal is attached")
return cmd
func runCopy(dockerCli command.Cli, opts copyOptions) error {
srcContainer, srcPath := splitCpArg(opts.source)
destContainer, destPath := splitCpArg(opts.destination)
copyConfig := cpConfig{
followLink: opts.followLink,
copyUIDGID: opts.copyUIDGID,
quiet: opts.quiet,
sourcePath: srcPath,
destPath: destPath,
var direction copyDirection
if srcContainer != "" {
direction |= fromContainer
copyConfig.container = srcContainer
if destContainer != "" {
direction |= toContainer
copyConfig.container = destContainer
ctx := context.Background()
switch direction {
case fromContainer:
return copyFromContainer(ctx, dockerCli, copyConfig)
case toContainer:
return copyToContainer(ctx, dockerCli, copyConfig)
case acrossContainers:
return errors.New("copying between containers is not supported")
return errors.New("must specify at least one container source")
func resolveLocalPath(localPath string) (absPath string, err error) {
if absPath, err = filepath.Abs(localPath); err != nil {
return archive.PreserveTrailingDotOrSeparator(absPath, localPath, filepath.Separator), nil
func copyFromContainer(ctx context.Context, dockerCli command.Cli, copyConfig cpConfig) (err error) {
dstPath := copyConfig.destPath
srcPath := copyConfig.sourcePath
if dstPath != "-" {
// Get an absolute destination path.
dstPath, err = resolveLocalPath(dstPath)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := command.ValidateOutputPath(dstPath); err != nil {
return err
client := dockerCli.Client()
// if client requests to follow symbol link, then must decide target file to be copied
var rebaseName string
if copyConfig.followLink {
srcStat, err := client.ContainerStatPath(ctx, copyConfig.container, srcPath)
// If the destination is a symbolic link, we should follow it.
if err == nil && srcStat.Mode&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
linkTarget := srcStat.LinkTarget
if !system.IsAbs(linkTarget) {
// Join with the parent directory.
srcParent, _ := archive.SplitPathDirEntry(srcPath)
linkTarget = filepath.Join(srcParent, linkTarget)
linkTarget, rebaseName = archive.GetRebaseName(srcPath, linkTarget)
srcPath = linkTarget
content, stat, err := client.CopyFromContainer(ctx, copyConfig.container, srcPath)
if err != nil {
return err
defer content.Close()
if dstPath == "-" {
_, err = io.Copy(dockerCli.Out(), content)
return err
srcInfo := archive.CopyInfo{
Path: srcPath,
Exists: true,
IsDir: stat.Mode.IsDir(),
RebaseName: rebaseName,
var copiedSize float64
if !copyConfig.quiet {
content = &copyProgressPrinter{
ReadCloser: content,
toContainer: false,
writer: dockerCli.Err(),
total: &copiedSize,
preArchive := content
if len(srcInfo.RebaseName) != 0 {
_, srcBase := archive.SplitPathDirEntry(srcInfo.Path)
preArchive = archive.RebaseArchiveEntries(content, srcBase, srcInfo.RebaseName)
if copyConfig.quiet {
return archive.CopyTo(preArchive, srcInfo, dstPath)
fmt.Fprint(dockerCli.Err(), aec.Save)
fmt.Fprintln(dockerCli.Err(), "Preparing to copy...")
res := archive.CopyTo(preArchive, srcInfo, dstPath)
fmt.Fprint(dockerCli.Err(), aec.Restore)
fmt.Fprint(dockerCli.Err(), aec.EraseLine(aec.EraseModes.All))
fmt.Fprintln(dockerCli.Err(), "Successfully copied", units.HumanSize(copiedSize), "to", dstPath)
return res
// In order to get the copy behavior right, we need to know information
// about both the source and destination. The API is a simple tar
// archive/extract API but we can use the stat info header about the
// destination to be more informed about exactly what the destination is.
func copyToContainer(ctx context.Context, dockerCli command.Cli, copyConfig cpConfig) (err error) {
srcPath := copyConfig.sourcePath
dstPath := copyConfig.destPath
if srcPath != "-" {
// Get an absolute source path.
srcPath, err = resolveLocalPath(srcPath)
if err != nil {
return err
client := dockerCli.Client()
// Prepare destination copy info by stat-ing the container path.
dstInfo := archive.CopyInfo{Path: dstPath}
dstStat, err := client.ContainerStatPath(ctx, copyConfig.container, dstPath)
// If the destination is a symbolic link, we should evaluate it.
if err == nil && dstStat.Mode&os.ModeSymlink != 0 {
linkTarget := dstStat.LinkTarget
if !system.IsAbs(linkTarget) {
// Join with the parent directory.
dstParent, _ := archive.SplitPathDirEntry(dstPath)
linkTarget = filepath.Join(dstParent, linkTarget)
dstInfo.Path = linkTarget
dstStat, err = client.ContainerStatPath(ctx, copyConfig.container, linkTarget)
// Validate the destination path
if err := command.ValidateOutputPathFileMode(dstStat.Mode); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, `destination "%s:%s" must be a directory or a regular file`, copyConfig.container, dstPath)
// Ignore any error and assume that the parent directory of the destination
// path exists, in which case the copy may still succeed. If there is any
// type of conflict (e.g., non-directory overwriting an existing directory
// or vice versa) the extraction will fail. If the destination simply did
// not exist, but the parent directory does, the extraction will still
// succeed.
if err == nil {
dstInfo.Exists, dstInfo.IsDir = true, dstStat.Mode.IsDir()
var (
content io.ReadCloser
resolvedDstPath string
copiedSize float64
if srcPath == "-" {
content = os.Stdin
resolvedDstPath = dstInfo.Path
if !dstInfo.IsDir {
return errors.Errorf("destination \"%s:%s\" must be a directory", copyConfig.container, dstPath)
} else {
// Prepare source copy info.
srcInfo, err := archive.CopyInfoSourcePath(srcPath, copyConfig.followLink)
if err != nil {
return err
srcArchive, err := archive.TarResource(srcInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
defer srcArchive.Close()
// With the stat info about the local source as well as the
// destination, we have enough information to know whether we need to
// alter the archive that we upload so that when the server extracts
// it to the specified directory in the container we get the desired
// copy behavior.
// See comments in the implementation of `archive.PrepareArchiveCopy`
// for exactly what goes into deciding how and whether the source
// archive needs to be altered for the correct copy behavior when it is
// extracted. This function also infers from the source and destination
// info which directory to extract to, which may be the parent of the
// destination that the user specified.
dstDir, preparedArchive, err := archive.PrepareArchiveCopy(srcArchive, srcInfo, dstInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
defer preparedArchive.Close()
resolvedDstPath = dstDir
content = preparedArchive
if !copyConfig.quiet {
content = &copyProgressPrinter{
ReadCloser: content,
toContainer: true,
writer: dockerCli.Err(),
total: &copiedSize,
options := types.CopyToContainerOptions{
AllowOverwriteDirWithFile: false,
CopyUIDGID: copyConfig.copyUIDGID,
if copyConfig.quiet {
return client.CopyToContainer(ctx, copyConfig.container, resolvedDstPath, content, options)
fmt.Fprint(dockerCli.Err(), aec.Save)
fmt.Fprintln(dockerCli.Err(), "Preparing to copy...")
res := client.CopyToContainer(ctx, copyConfig.container, resolvedDstPath, content, options)
fmt.Fprint(dockerCli.Err(), aec.Restore)
fmt.Fprint(dockerCli.Err(), aec.EraseLine(aec.EraseModes.All))
fmt.Fprintln(dockerCli.Err(), "Successfully copied", units.HumanSize(copiedSize), "to", copyConfig.container+":"+dstInfo.Path)
return res
// We use `:` as a delimiter between CONTAINER and PATH, but `:` could also be
// in a valid LOCALPATH, like `file:name.txt`. We can resolve this ambiguity by
// requiring a LOCALPATH with a `:` to be made explicit with a relative or
// absolute path:
// `/path/to/file:name.txt` or `./file:name.txt`
// This is apparently how `scp` handles this as well:
// We can't simply check for a filepath separator because container names may
// have a separator, e.g., "host0/cname1" if container is in a Docker cluster,
// so we have to check for a `/` or `.` prefix. Also, in the case of a Windows
// client, a `:` could be part of an absolute Windows path, in which case it
// is immediately proceeded by a backslash.
func splitCpArg(arg string) (container, path string) {
if system.IsAbs(arg) {
// Explicit local absolute path, e.g., `C:\foo` or `/foo`.
return "", arg
parts := strings.SplitN(arg, ":", 2)
if len(parts) == 1 || strings.HasPrefix(parts[0], ".") {
// Either there's no `:` in the arg
// OR it's an explicit local relative path like `./file:name.txt`.
return "", arg
return parts[0], parts[1]