
149 lines
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package flags
import (
const (
// EnvEnableTLS is the name of the environment variable that can be used
// to enable TLS for client connections. When set to a non-empty value, TLS
// is enabled for API connections using TCP. For backward-compatibility, this
// environment-variable can only be used to enable TLS, not to disable.
// Note that TLS is always enabled implicitly if the "--tls-verify" option
// or "DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY" ([])
// env var is set to, which could be to either enable or disable TLS certification
// validation. In both cases, TLS is enabled but, depending on the setting,
// with verification disabled.
// DefaultCaFile is the default filename for the CA pem file
DefaultCaFile = "ca.pem"
// DefaultKeyFile is the default filename for the key pem file
DefaultKeyFile = "key.pem"
// DefaultCertFile is the default filename for the cert pem file
DefaultCertFile = "cert.pem"
// FlagTLSVerify is the flag name for the TLS verification option
FlagTLSVerify = "tlsverify"
// FormatHelp describes the --format flag behavior for list commands
FormatHelp = `Format output using a custom template:
'table': Print output in table format with column headers (default)
'table TEMPLATE': Print output in table format using the given Go template
'json': Print in JSON format
'TEMPLATE': Print output using the given Go template.
Refer to for more information about formatting output with templates`
// InspectFormatHelp describes the --format flag behavior for inspect commands
InspectFormatHelp = `Format output using a custom template:
'json': Print in JSON format
'TEMPLATE': Print output using the given Go template.
Refer to for more information about formatting output with templates`
var (
dockerCertPath = os.Getenv(client.EnvOverrideCertPath)
dockerTLSVerify = os.Getenv(client.EnvTLSVerify) != ""
dockerTLS = os.Getenv(EnvEnableTLS) != ""
// ClientOptions are the options used to configure the client cli.
type ClientOptions struct {
Debug bool
Hosts []string
LogLevel string
TLS bool
TLSVerify bool
TLSOptions *tlsconfig.Options
Context string
ConfigDir string
// NewClientOptions returns a new ClientOptions.
func NewClientOptions() *ClientOptions {
return &ClientOptions{}
// InstallFlags adds flags for the common options on the FlagSet
func (o *ClientOptions) InstallFlags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
configDir := config.Dir()
if dockerCertPath == "" {
dockerCertPath = configDir
flags.StringVar(&o.ConfigDir, "config", configDir, "Location of client config files")
flags.BoolVarP(&o.Debug, "debug", "D", false, "Enable debug mode")
flags.StringVarP(&o.LogLevel, "log-level", "l", "info", `Set the logging level ("debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal")`)
flags.BoolVar(&o.TLS, "tls", dockerTLS, "Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify")
flags.BoolVar(&o.TLSVerify, FlagTLSVerify, dockerTLSVerify, "Use TLS and verify the remote")
o.TLSOptions = &tlsconfig.Options{
CAFile: filepath.Join(dockerCertPath, DefaultCaFile),
CertFile: filepath.Join(dockerCertPath, DefaultCertFile),
KeyFile: filepath.Join(dockerCertPath, DefaultKeyFile),
tlsOptions := o.TLSOptions
flags.Var(opts.NewQuotedString(&tlsOptions.CAFile), "tlscacert", "Trust certs signed only by this CA")
flags.Var(opts.NewQuotedString(&tlsOptions.CertFile), "tlscert", "Path to TLS certificate file")
flags.Var(opts.NewQuotedString(&tlsOptions.KeyFile), "tlskey", "Path to TLS key file")
// opts.ValidateHost is not used here, so as to allow connection helpers
hostOpt := opts.NewNamedListOptsRef("hosts", &o.Hosts, nil)
flags.VarP(hostOpt, "host", "H", "Daemon socket to connect to")
flags.StringVarP(&o.Context, "context", "c", "",
`Name of the context to use to connect to the daemon (overrides `+client.EnvOverrideHost+` env var and default context set with "docker context use")`)
// SetDefaultOptions sets default values for options after flag parsing is
// complete
func (o *ClientOptions) SetDefaultOptions(flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
// Regardless of whether the user sets it to true or false, if they
// specify --tlsverify at all then we need to turn on TLS
// TLSVerify can be true even if not set due to DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY env var, so we need
// to check that here as well
if flags.Changed(FlagTLSVerify) || o.TLSVerify {
o.TLS = true
if !o.TLS {
o.TLSOptions = nil
} else {
tlsOptions := o.TLSOptions
tlsOptions.InsecureSkipVerify = !o.TLSVerify
// Reset CertFile and KeyFile to empty string if the user did not specify
// the respective flags and the respective default files were not found.
if !flags.Changed("tlscert") {
if _, err := os.Stat(tlsOptions.CertFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
tlsOptions.CertFile = ""
if !flags.Changed("tlskey") {
if _, err := os.Stat(tlsOptions.KeyFile); os.IsNotExist(err) {
tlsOptions.KeyFile = ""
// SetLogLevel sets the logrus logging level
func SetLogLevel(logLevel string) {
if logLevel != "" {
lvl, err := logrus.ParseLevel(logLevel)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Unable to parse logging level: %s\n", logLevel)
} else {