#compdef docker dockerd # # zsh completion for docker (http://docker.com) # # version: 0.3.0 # github: https://github.com/felixr/docker-zsh-completion # # contributors: # - Felix Riedel # - Steve Durrheimer # - Vincent Bernat # # license: # # Copyright (c) 2013, Felix Riedel # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the nor the # names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS # SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # Short-option stacking can be enabled with: # zstyle ':completion:*:*:docker:*' option-stacking yes # zstyle ':completion:*:*:docker-*:*' option-stacking yes __docker_arguments() { if zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:" option-stacking; then print -- -s fi } __docker_get_containers() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 local kind type line s declare -a running stopped lines args names kind=$1; shift type=$1; shift [[ $kind = (stopped|all) ]] && args=($args -a) lines=(${(f)${:-"$(_call_program commands docker $docker_options ps --format 'table' --no-trunc $args)"$'\n'}}) # Parse header line to find columns local i=1 j=1 k header=${lines[1]} declare -A begin end while (( j < ${#header} - 1 )); do i=$(( j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 1 )) j=$(( i + ${${header[$i,-1]}[(i) ]} - 1 )) k=$(( j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 2 )) begin[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=$i end[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=$k done end[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=-1 # Last column, should go to the end of the line lines=(${lines[2,-1]}) # Container ID if [[ $type = (ids|all) ]]; then for line in $lines; do s="${${line[${begin[CONTAINER ID]},${end[CONTAINER ID]}]%% ##}[0,12]}" s="$s:${(l:15:: :::)${${line[${begin[CREATED]},${end[CREATED]}]/ ago/}%% ##}}" s="$s, ${${${line[${begin[IMAGE]},${end[IMAGE]}]}/:/\\:}%% ##}" if [[ ${line[${begin[STATUS]},${end[STATUS]}]} = Exit* ]]; then stopped=($stopped $s) else running=($running $s) fi done fi # Names: we only display the one without slash. All other names # are generated and may clutter the completion. However, with # Swarm, all names may be prefixed by the swarm node name. if [[ $type = (names|all) ]]; then for line in $lines; do names=(${(ps:,:)${${line[${begin[NAMES]},${end[NAMES]}]}%% *}}) # First step: find a common prefix and strip it (swarm node case) (( ${#${(u)names%%/*}} == 1 )) && names=${names#${names[1]%%/*}/} # Second step: only keep the first name without a / s=${${names:#*/*}[1]} # If no name, well give up. (( $#s != 0 )) || continue s="$s:${(l:15:: :::)${${line[${begin[CREATED]},${end[CREATED]}]/ ago/}%% ##}}" s="$s, ${${${line[${begin[IMAGE]},${end[IMAGE]}]}/:/\\:}%% ##}" if [[ ${line[${begin[STATUS]},${end[STATUS]}]} = Exit* ]]; then stopped=($stopped $s) else running=($running $s) fi done fi [[ $kind = (running|all) ]] && _describe -t containers-running "running containers" running "$@" && ret=0 [[ $kind = (stopped|all) ]] && _describe -t containers-stopped "stopped containers" stopped "$@" && ret=0 return ret } __docker_complete_stopped_containers() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_get_containers stopped all "$@" } __docker_complete_running_containers() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_get_containers running all "$@" } __docker_complete_containers() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_get_containers all all "$@" } __docker_complete_containers_ids() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_get_containers all ids "$@" } __docker_complete_containers_names() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_get_containers all names "$@" } __docker_complete_info_plugins() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 emulate -L zsh setopt extendedglob local -a plugins plugins=(${(ps: :)${(M)${(f)${${"$(_call_program commands docker $docker_options info)"##*$'\n'Plugins:}%%$'\n'^ *}}:# $1: *}## $1: }) _describe -t plugins "$1 plugins" plugins && ret=0 return ret } __docker_complete_images() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 declare -a images images=(${${${(f)${:-"$(_call_program commands docker $docker_options images)"$'\n'}}[2,-1]}/(#b)([^ ]##) ##([^ ]##) ##([^ ]##)*/${match[3]}:${(r:15:: :::)match[2]} in ${match[1]}}) _describe -t docker-images "images" images && ret=0 __docker_complete_repositories_with_tags && ret=0 return ret } __docker_complete_repositories() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 declare -a repos repos=(${${${(f)${:-"$(_call_program commands docker $docker_options images)"$'\n'}}%% *}[2,-1]}) repos=(${repos#}) _describe -t docker-repos "repositories" repos && ret=0 return ret } __docker_complete_repositories_with_tags() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 declare -a repos onlyrepos matched declare m repos=(${${${${(f)${:-"$(_call_program commands docker $docker_options images)"$'\n'}}[2,-1]}/ ##/:::}%% *}) repos=(${${repos%:::}#}) # Check if we have a prefix-match for the current prefix. onlyrepos=(${repos%::*}) for m in $onlyrepos; do [[ ${PREFIX##${~~m}} != ${PREFIX} ]] && { # Yes, complete with tags repos=(${${repos/:::/:}/:/\\:}) _describe -t docker-repos-with-tags "repositories with tags" repos && ret=0 return ret } done # No, only complete repositories onlyrepos=(${${repos%:::*}/:/\\:}) _describe -t docker-repos "repositories" onlyrepos -qS : && ret=0 return ret } __docker_search() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 local cache_policy zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy cache_policy if [[ -z "$cache_policy" ]]; then zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy __docker_caching_policy fi local searchterm cachename searchterm="${words[$CURRENT]%/}" cachename=_docker-search-$searchterm local expl local -a result if ( [[ ${(P)+cachename} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid ${cachename#_} ) \ && ! _retrieve_cache ${cachename#_}; then _message "Searching for ${searchterm}..." result=(${${${(f)${:-"$(_call_program commands docker $docker_options search $searchterm)"$'\n'}}%% *}[2,-1]}) _store_cache ${cachename#_} result fi _wanted dockersearch expl 'available images' compadd -a result } __docker_get_log_options() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 local log_driver=${opt_args[--log-driver]:-"all"} local -a awslogs_options fluentd_options gelf_options journald_options json_file_options logentries_options syslog_options splunk_options awslogs_options=("awslogs-region" "awslogs-group" "awslogs-stream") fluentd_options=("env" "fluentd-address" "fluentd-async-connect" "fluentd-buffer-limit" "fluentd-retry-wait" "fluentd-max-retries" "labels" "tag") gcplogs_options=("env" "gcp-log-cmd" "gcp-project" "labels") gelf_options=("env" "gelf-address" "gelf-compression-level" "gelf-compression-type" "labels" "tag") journald_options=("env" "labels" "tag") json_file_options=("env" "labels" "max-file" "max-size") logentries_options=("logentries-token") syslog_options=("env" "labels" "syslog-address" "syslog-facility" "syslog-format" "syslog-tls-ca-cert" "syslog-tls-cert" "syslog-tls-key" "syslog-tls-skip-verify" "tag") splunk_options=("env" "labels" "splunk-caname" "splunk-capath" "splunk-format" "splunk-gzip" "splunk-gzip-level" "splunk-index" "splunk-insecureskipverify" "splunk-source" "splunk-sourcetype" "splunk-token" "splunk-url" "splunk-verify-connection" "tag") [[ $log_driver = (awslogs|all) ]] && _describe -t awslogs-options "awslogs options" awslogs_options "$@" && ret=0 [[ $log_driver = (fluentd|all) ]] && _describe -t fluentd-options "fluentd options" fluentd_options "$@" && ret=0 [[ $log_driver = (gcplogs|all) ]] && _describe -t gcplogs-options "gcplogs options" gcplogs_options "$@" && ret=0 [[ $log_driver = (gelf|all) ]] && _describe -t gelf-options "gelf options" gelf_options "$@" && ret=0 [[ $log_driver = (journald|all) ]] && _describe -t journald-options "journald options" journald_options "$@" && ret=0 [[ $log_driver = (json-file|all) ]] && _describe -t json-file-options "json-file options" json_file_options "$@" && ret=0 [[ $log_driver = (logentries|all) ]] && _describe -t logentries-options "logentries options" logentries_options "$@" && ret=0 [[ $log_driver = (syslog|all) ]] && _describe -t syslog-options "syslog options" syslog_options "$@" && ret=0 [[ $log_driver = (splunk|all) ]] && _describe -t splunk-options "splunk options" splunk_options "$@" && ret=0 return ret } __docker_complete_log_drivers() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 drivers=(awslogs etwlogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file none splunk syslog) _describe -t log-drivers "log drivers" drivers && ret=0 return ret } __docker_complete_log_options() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 if compset -P '*='; then case "${${words[-1]%=*}#*=}" in (syslog-format) syslog_format_opts=('rfc3164' 'rfc5424' 'rfc5424micro') _describe -t syslog-format-opts "Syslog format Options" syslog_format_opts && ret=0 ;; *) _message 'value' && ret=0 ;; esac else __docker_get_log_options -qS "=" && ret=0 fi return ret } __docker_complete_detach_keys() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 compset -P "*," keys=(${:-{a-z}}) ctrl_keys=(${:-ctrl-{{a-z},{@,'[','\\','^',']',_}}}) _describe -t detach_keys "[a-z]" keys -qS "," && ret=0 _describe -t detach_keys-ctrl "'ctrl-' + 'a-z @ [ \\\\ ] ^ _'" ctrl_keys -qS "," && ret=0 } __docker_complete_pid() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 local -a opts vopts opts=('host') vopts=('container') if compset -P '*:'; then case "${${words[-1]%:*}#*=}" in (container) __docker_complete_running_containers && ret=0 ;; *) _message 'value' && ret=0 ;; esac else _describe -t pid-value-opts "PID Options with value" vopts -qS ":" && ret=0 _describe -t pid-opts "PID Options" opts && ret=0 fi return ret } __docker_complete_runtimes() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 emulate -L zsh setopt extendedglob local -a runtimes_opts runtimes_opts=(${(ps: :)${(f)${${"$(_call_program commands docker $docker_options info)"##*$'\n'Runtimes: }%%$'\n'^ *}}}) _describe -t runtimes-opts "runtimes options" runtimes_opts && ret=0 } __docker_complete_ps_filters() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 if compset -P '*='; then case "${${words[-1]%=*}#*=}" in (ancestor) __docker_complete_images && ret=0 ;; (before|since) __docker_complete_containers && ret=0 ;; (health) health_opts=('healthy' 'none' 'starting' 'unhealthy') _describe -t health-filter-opts "health filter options" health_opts && ret=0 ;; (id) __docker_complete_containers_ids && ret=0 ;; (is-task) _describe -t boolean-filter-opts "filter options" boolean_opts && ret=0 ;; (name) __docker_complete_containers_names && ret=0 ;; (network) __docker_networks && ret=0 ;; (status) status_opts=('created' 'dead' 'exited' 'paused' 'restarting' 'running' 'removing') _describe -t status-filter-opts "status filter options" status_opts && ret=0 ;; (volume) __docker_volumes && ret=0 ;; *) _message 'value' && ret=0 ;; esac else opts=('ancestor' 'before' 'exited' 'health' 'id' 'label' 'name' 'network' 'since' 'status' 'volume') _describe -t filter-opts "Filter Options" opts -qS "=" && ret=0 fi return ret } __docker_complete_search_filters() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 declare -a boolean_opts opts boolean_opts=('true' 'false') opts=('is-automated' 'is-official' 'stars') if compset -P '*='; then case "${${words[-1]%=*}#*=}" in (is-automated|is-official) _describe -t boolean-filter-opts "filter options" boolean_opts && ret=0 ;; *) _message 'value' && ret=0 ;; esac else _describe -t filter-opts "filter options" opts -qS "=" && ret=0 fi return ret } __docker_complete_images_filters() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 declare -a boolean_opts opts boolean_opts=('true' 'false') opts=('before' 'dangling' 'label' 'since') if compset -P '*='; then case "${${words[-1]%=*}#*=}" in (before|since) __docker_complete_images && ret=0 ;; (dangling) _describe -t boolean-filter-opts "filter options" boolean_opts && ret=0 ;; *) _message 'value' && ret=0 ;; esac else _describe -t filter-opts "Filter Options" opts -qS "=" && ret=0 fi return ret } __docker_complete_events_filter() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 declare -a opts opts=('container' 'daemon' 'event' 'image' 'label' 'network' 'type' 'volume') if compset -P '*='; then case "${${words[-1]%=*}#*=}" in (container) __docker_complete_containers && ret=0 ;; (daemon) emulate -L zsh setopt extendedglob local -a daemon_opts daemon_opts=( ${(f)${${"$(_call_program commands docker $docker_options info)"##*$'\n'Name: }%%$'\n'^ *}} ${${(f)${${"$(_call_program commands docker $docker_options info)"##*$'\n'ID: }%%$'\n'^ *}}//:/\\:} ) _describe -t daemon-filter-opts "daemon filter options" daemon_opts && ret=0 ;; (event) local -a event_opts event_opts=('attach' 'commit' 'connect' 'copy' 'create' 'delete' 'destroy' 'detach' 'die' 'disconnect' 'exec_create' 'exec_detach' 'exec_start' 'export' 'health_status' 'import' 'kill' 'load' 'mount' 'oom' 'pause' 'pull' 'push' 'reload' 'rename' 'resize' 'restart' 'save' 'start' 'stop' 'tag' 'top' 'unmount' 'unpause' 'untag' 'update') _describe -t event-filter-opts "event filter options" event_opts && ret=0 ;; (image) __docker_complete_images && ret=0 ;; (network) __docker_networks && ret=0 ;; (type) local -a type_opts type_opts=('container' 'daemon' 'image' 'network' 'volume') _describe -t type-filter-opts "type filter options" type_opts && ret=0 ;; (volume) __docker_volumes && ret=0 ;; *) _message 'value' && ret=0 ;; esac else _describe -t filter-opts "filter options" opts -qS "=" && ret=0 fi return ret } # BO container __docker_container_commands() { local -a _docker_container_subcommands _docker_container_subcommands=( "attach:Attach to a running container" "commit:Create a new image from a container's changes" "cp:Copy files/folders between a container and the local filesystem" "create:Create a new container" "diff:Inspect changes on a container's filesystem" "exec:Run a command in a running container" "export:Export a container's filesystem as a tar archive" "inspect:Display detailed information on one or more containers" "kill:Kill one or more running containers" "logs:Fetch the logs of a container" "ls:List containers" "pause:Pause all processes within one or more containers" "port:List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container" "prune:Remove all stopped containers" "rename:Rename a container" "restart:Restart one or more containers" "rm:Remove one or more containers" "run:Run a command in a new container" "start:Start one or more stopped containers" "stats:Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics" "stop:Stop one or more running containers" "top:Display the running processes of a container" "unpause:Unpause all processes within one or more containers" "update:Update configuration of one or more containers" "wait:Block until one or more containers stop, then print their exit codes" ) _describe -t docker-container-commands "docker container command" _docker_container_subcommands } __docker_container_subcommand() { local -a _command_args opts_help opts_attach_exec_run_start opts_create_run opts_create_run_update local expl help="--help" integer ret=1 opts_attach_exec_run_start=( "($help)--detach-keys=[Escape key sequence used to detach a container]:sequence:__docker_complete_detach_keys" ) opts_create_run=( "($help -a --attach)"{-a=,--attach=}"[Attach to stdin, stdout or stderr]:device:(STDIN STDOUT STDERR)" "($help)*--add-host=[Add a custom host-to-IP mapping]:host\:ip mapping: " "($help)*--blkio-weight-device=[Block IO (relative device weight)]:device:Block IO weight: " "($help)*--cap-add=[Add Linux capabilities]:capability: " "($help)*--cap-drop=[Drop Linux capabilities]:capability: " "($help)--cgroup-parent=[Parent cgroup for the container]:cgroup: " "($help)--cidfile=[Write the container ID to the file]:CID file:_files" "($help)--cpus=[Number of CPUs (default 0.000)]:cpus: " "($help)*--device=[Add a host device to the container]:device:_files" "($help)*--device-read-bps=[Limit the read rate (bytes per second) from a device]:device:IO rate: " "($help)*--device-read-iops=[Limit the read rate (IO per second) from a device]:device:IO rate: " "($help)*--device-write-bps=[Limit the write rate (bytes per second) to a device]:device:IO rate: " "($help)*--device-write-iops=[Limit the write rate (IO per second) to a device]:device:IO rate: " "($help)--disable-content-trust[Skip image verification]" "($help)*--dns=[Custom DNS servers]:DNS server: " "($help)*--dns-option=[Custom DNS options]:DNS option: " "($help)*--dns-search=[Custom DNS search domains]:DNS domains: " "($help)*"{-e=,--env=}"[Environment variables]:environment variable: " "($help)--entrypoint=[Overwrite the default entrypoint of the image]:entry point: " "($help)*--env-file=[Read environment variables from a file]:environment file:_files" "($help)*--expose=[Expose a port from the container without publishing it]: " "($help)*--group=[Set one or more supplementary user groups for the container]:group:_groups" "($help -h --hostname)"{-h=,--hostname=}"[Container host name]:hostname:_hosts" "($help -i --interactive)"{-i,--interactive}"[Keep stdin open even if not attached]" "($help)--ip=[Container IPv4 address]:IPv4: " "($help)--ip6=[Container IPv6 address]:IPv6: " "($help)--ipc=[IPC namespace to use]:IPC namespace: " "($help)--isolation=[Container isolation technology]:isolation:(default hyperv process)" "($help)*--link=[Add link to another container]:link:->link" "($help)*--link-local-ip=[Add a link-local address for the container]:IPv4/IPv6: " "($help)*"{-l=,--label=}"[Container metadata]:label: " "($help)--log-driver=[Default driver for container logs]:logging driver:__docker_complete_log_drivers" "($help)*--log-opt=[Log driver specific options]:log driver options:__docker_complete_log_options" "($help)--mac-address=[Container MAC address]:MAC address: " "($help)*--mount=[Attach a filesystem mount to the container]:mount: " "($help)--name=[Container name]:name: " "($help)--network=[Connect a container to a network]:network mode:(bridge none container host)" "($help)*--network-alias=[Add network-scoped alias for the container]:alias: " "($help)--oom-kill-disable[Disable OOM Killer]" "($help)--oom-score-adj[Tune the host's OOM preferences for containers (accepts -1000 to 1000)]" "($help)--pids-limit[Tune container pids limit (set -1 for unlimited)]" "($help -P --publish-all)"{-P,--publish-all}"[Publish all exposed ports]" "($help)*"{-p=,--publish=}"[Expose a container's port to the host]:port:_ports" "($help)--pid=[PID namespace to use]:PID namespace:__docker_complete_pid" "($help)--privileged[Give extended privileges to this container]" "($help)--read-only[Mount the container's root filesystem as read only]" "($help)*--security-opt=[Security options]:security option: " "($help)*--shm-size=[Size of '/dev/shm' (format is '')]:shm size: " "($help)--stop-timeout=[Timeout (in seconds) to stop a container]:time: " "($help)*--sysctl=-[sysctl options]:sysctl: " "($help -t --tty)"{-t,--tty}"[Allocate a pseudo-tty]" "($help -u --user)"{-u=,--user=}"[Username or UID]:user:_users" "($help)*--ulimit=[ulimit options]:ulimit: " "($help)--userns=[Container user namespace]:user namespace:(host)" "($help)--tmpfs[mount tmpfs]" "($help)*-v[Bind mount a volume]:volume: " "($help)--volume-driver=[Optional volume driver for the container]:volume driver:(local)" "($help)*--volumes-from=[Mount volumes from the specified container]:volume: " "($help -w --workdir)"{-w=,--workdir=}"[Working directory inside the container]:directory:_directories" ) opts_create_run_update=( "($help)--blkio-weight=[Block IO (relative weight), between 10 and 1000]:Block IO weight:(10 100 500 1000)" "($help -c --cpu-shares)"{-c=,--cpu-shares=}"[CPU shares (relative weight)]:CPU shares:(0 10 100 200 500 800 1000)" "($help)--cpu-period=[Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period]:CPU period: " "($help)--cpu-quota=[Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota]:CPU quota: " "($help)--cpu-rt-period=[Limit the CPU real-time period]:CPU real-time period in microseconds: " "($help)--cpu-rt-runtime=[Limit the CPU real-time runtime]:CPU real-time runtime in microseconds: " "($help)--cpuset-cpus=[CPUs in which to allow execution]:CPUs: " "($help)--cpuset-mems=[MEMs in which to allow execution]:MEMs: " "($help)--kernel-memory=[Kernel memory limit in bytes]:Memory limit: " "($help -m --memory)"{-m=,--memory=}"[Memory limit]:Memory limit: " "($help)--memory-reservation=[Memory soft limit]:Memory limit: " "($help)--memory-swap=[Total memory limit with swap]:Memory limit: " "($help)--restart=[Restart policy]:restart policy:(no on-failure always unless-stopped)" ) opts_help=("(: -)--help[Print usage]") case "$words[1]" in (attach) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ $opts_attach_exec_run_start \ "($help)--no-stdin[Do not attach stdin]" \ "($help)--sig-proxy[Proxy all received signals to the process (non-TTY mode only)]" \ "($help -):containers:__docker_complete_running_containers" && ret=0 ;; (commit) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -a --author)"{-a=,--author=}"[Author]:author: " \ "($help)*"{-c=,--change=}"[Apply Dockerfile instruction to the created image]:Dockerfile:_files" \ "($help -m --message)"{-m=,--message=}"[Commit message]:message: " \ "($help -p --pause)"{-p,--pause}"[Pause container during commit]" \ "($help -):container:__docker_complete_containers" \ "($help -): :__docker_complete_repositories_with_tags" && ret=0 ;; (cp) local state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -L --follow-link)"{-L,--follow-link}"[Always follow symbol link]" \ "($help -)1:container:->container" \ "($help -)2:hostpath:_files" && ret=0 case $state in (container) if compset -P "*:"; then _files && ret=0 else __docker_complete_containers -qS ":" && ret=0 fi ;; esac ;; (create) local state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ $opts_create_run \ $opts_create_run_update \ "($help -): :__docker_complete_images" \ "($help -):command: _command_names -e" \ "($help -)*::arguments: _normal" && ret=0 case $state in (link) if compset -P "*:"; then _wanted alias expl "Alias" compadd -E "" && ret=0 else __docker_complete_running_containers -qS ":" && ret=0 fi ;; esac ;; (diff) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -)*:containers:__docker_complete_containers" && ret=0 ;; (exec) local state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ $opts_attach_exec_run_start \ "($help -d --detach)"{-d,--detach}"[Detached mode: leave the container running in the background]" \ "($help)*"{-e=,--env=}"[Set environment variables]:environment variable: " \ "($help -i --interactive)"{-i,--interactive}"[Keep stdin open even if not attached]" \ "($help)--privileged[Give extended Linux capabilities to the command]" \ "($help -t --tty)"{-t,--tty}"[Allocate a pseudo-tty]" \ "($help -u --user)"{-u=,--user=}"[Username or UID]:user:_users" \ "($help -):containers:__docker_complete_running_containers" \ "($help -)*::command:->anycommand" && ret=0 case $state in (anycommand) shift 1 words (( CURRENT-- )) _normal && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (export) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -o --output)"{-o=,--output=}"[Write to a file, instead of stdout]:output file:_files" \ "($help -)*:containers:__docker_complete_containers" && ret=0 ;; (inspect) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --format)"{-f=,--format=}"[Format the output using the given go template]:template: " \ "($help -s --size)"{-s,--size}"[Display total file sizes]" \ "($help -)*:containers:__docker_complete_containers" && ret=0 ;; (kill) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -s --signal)"{-s=,--signal=}"[Signal to send]:signal:_signals" \ "($help -)*:containers:__docker_complete_running_containers" && ret=0 ;; (logs) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)--details[Show extra details provided to logs]" \ "($help -f --follow)"{-f,--follow}"[Follow log output]" \ "($help -s --since)"{-s=,--since=}"[Show logs since this timestamp]:timestamp: " \ "($help -t --timestamps)"{-t,--timestamps}"[Show timestamps]" \ "($help)--tail=[Output the last K lines]:lines:(1 10 20 50 all)" \ "($help -)*:containers:__docker_complete_containers" && ret=0 ;; (ls|list) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -a --all)"{-a,--all}"[Show all containers]" \ "($help)--before=[Show only container created before...]:containers:__docker_complete_containers" \ "($help)*"{-f=,--filter=}"[Filter values]:filter:__docker_complete_ps_filters" \ "($help)--format=[Pretty-print containers using a Go template]:template: " \ "($help -l --latest)"{-l,--latest}"[Show only the latest created container]" \ "($help -n --last)"{-n=,--last=}"[Show n last created containers (includes all states)]:n:(1 5 10 25 50)" \ "($help)--no-trunc[Do not truncate output]" \ "($help -q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[Only show numeric IDs]" \ "($help -s --size)"{-s,--size}"[Display total file sizes]" \ "($help)--since=[Show only containers created since...]:containers:__docker_complete_containers" && ret=0 ;; (pause|unpause) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -)*:containers:__docker_complete_running_containers" && ret=0 ;; (port) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -)1:containers:__docker_complete_running_containers" \ "($help -)2:port:_ports" && ret=0 ;; (prune) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --force)"{-f,--force}"[Do not prompt for confirmation]" && ret=0 ;; (rename) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -):old name:__docker_complete_containers" \ "($help -):new name: " && ret=0 ;; (restart) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -t --time)"{-t=,--time=}"[Number of seconds to try to stop for before killing the container]:seconds to before killing:(1 5 10 30 60)" \ "($help -)*:containers:__docker_complete_containers_ids" && ret=0 ;; (rm) local state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --force)"{-f,--force}"[Force removal]" \ "($help -l --link)"{-l,--link}"[Remove the specified link and not the underlying container]" \ "($help -v --volumes)"{-v,--volumes}"[Remove the volumes associated to the container]" \ "($help -)*:containers:->values" && ret=0 case $state in (values) if [[ ${words[(r)-f]} == -f || ${words[(r)--force]} == --force ]]; then __docker_complete_containers && ret=0 else __docker_complete_stopped_containers && ret=0 fi ;; esac ;; (run) local state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ $opts_create_run \ $opts_create_run_update \ $opts_attach_exec_run_start \ "($help -d --detach)"{-d,--detach}"[Detached mode: leave the container running in the background]" \ "($help)--health-cmd=[Command to run to check health]:command: " \ "($help)--health-interval=[Time between running the check]:time: " \ "($help)--health-retries=[Consecutive failures needed to report unhealthy]:retries:(1 2 3 4 5)" \ "($help)--health-timeout=[Maximum time to allow one check to run]:time: " \ "($help)--no-healthcheck[Disable any container-specified HEALTHCHECK]" \ "($help)--rm[Remove intermediate containers when it exits]" \ "($help)--runtime=[Name of the runtime to be used for that container]:runtime:__docker_complete_runtimes" \ "($help)--sig-proxy[Proxy all received signals to the process (non-TTY mode only)]" \ "($help)--stop-signal=[Signal to kill a container]:signal:_signals" \ "($help)--storage-opt=[Storage driver options for the container]:storage options:->storage-opt" \ "($help -): :__docker_complete_images" \ "($help -):command: _command_names -e" \ "($help -)*::arguments: _normal" && ret=0 case $state in (link) if compset -P "*:"; then _wanted alias expl "Alias" compadd -E "" && ret=0 else __docker_complete_running_containers -qS ":" && ret=0 fi ;; (storage-opt) if compset -P "*="; then _message "value" && ret=0 else opts=('size') _describe -t filter-opts "storage options" opts -qS "=" && ret=0 fi ;; esac ;; (start) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ $opts_attach_exec_run_start \ "($help -a --attach)"{-a,--attach}"[Attach container's stdout/stderr and forward all signals]" \ "($help -i --interactive)"{-i,--interactive}"[Attach container's stding]" \ "($help -)*:containers:__docker_complete_stopped_containers" && ret=0 ;; (stats) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -a --all)"{-a,--all}"[Show all containers (default shows just running)]" \ "($help)--format=[Pretty-print images using a Go template]:template: " \ "($help)--no-stream[Disable streaming stats and only pull the first result]" \ "($help -)*:containers:__docker_complete_running_containers" && ret=0 ;; (stop) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -t --time)"{-t=,--time=}"[Number of seconds to try to stop for before killing the container]:seconds to before killing:(1 5 10 30 60)" \ "($help -)*:containers:__docker_complete_running_containers" && ret=0 ;; (top) local state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -)1:containers:__docker_complete_running_containers" \ "($help -)*:: :->ps-arguments" && ret=0 case $state in (ps-arguments) _ps && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (update) local state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ opts_create_run_update \ "($help -)*: :->values" && ret=0 case $state in (values) if [[ ${words[(r)--kernel-memory*]} = (--kernel-memory*) ]]; then __docker_complete_stopped_containers && ret=0 else __docker_complete_containers && ret=0 fi ;; esac ;; (wait) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -)*:containers:__docker_complete_running_containers" && ret=0 ;; (help) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) ":subcommand:__docker_container_commands" && ret=0 ;; esac return ret } # EO container # BO image __docker_image_commands() { local -a _docker_image_subcommands _docker_image_subcommands=( "build:Build an image from a Dockerfile" "history:Show the history of an image" "import:Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image" "inspect:Display detailed information on one or more images" "load:Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN" "ls:List images" "prune:Remove unused images" "pull:Pull an image or a repository from a registry" "push:Push an image or a repository to a registry" "rm:Remove one or more images" "save:Save one or more images to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default)" "tag:Tag an image into a repository" ) _describe -t docker-image-commands "docker image command" _docker_image_subcommands } __docker_image_subcommand() { local -a _command_args opts_help local expl help="--help" integer ret=1 opts_help=("(: -)--help[Print usage]") case "$words[1]" in (build) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)*--build-arg=[Build-time variables]:=: " \ "($help)*--cache-from=[Images to consider as cache sources]: :__docker_complete_repositories_with_tags" \ "($help -c --cpu-shares)"{-c=,--cpu-shares=}"[CPU shares (relative weight)]:CPU shares:(0 10 100 200 500 800 1000)" \ "($help)--cgroup-parent=[Parent cgroup for the container]:cgroup: " \ "($help)--compress[Compress the build context using gzip]" \ "($help)--cpu-period=[Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period]:CPU period: " \ "($help)--cpu-quota=[Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota]:CPU quota: " \ "($help)--cpu-rt-period=[Limit the CPU real-time period]:CPU real-time period in microseconds: " \ "($help)--cpu-rt-runtime=[Limit the CPU real-time runtime]:CPU real-time runtime in microseconds: " \ "($help)--cpuset-cpus=[CPUs in which to allow execution]:CPUs: " \ "($help)--cpuset-mems=[MEMs in which to allow execution]:MEMs: " \ "($help)--disable-content-trust[Skip image verification]" \ "($help -f --file)"{-f=,--file=}"[Name of the Dockerfile]:Dockerfile:_files" \ "($help)--force-rm[Always remove intermediate containers]" \ "($help)--isolation=[Container isolation technology]:isolation:(default hyperv process)" \ "($help)*--label=[Set metadata for an image]:label=value: " \ "($help -m --memory)"{-m=,--memory=}"[Memory limit]:Memory limit: " \ "($help)--memory-swap=[Total memory limit with swap]:Memory limit: " \ "($help)--network=[Connect a container to a network]:network mode:(bridge none container host)" "($help)--no-cache[Do not use cache when building the image]" \ "($help)--pull[Attempt to pull a newer version of the image]" \ "($help -q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[Suppress verbose build output]" \ "($help)--rm[Remove intermediate containers after a successful build]" \ "($help)*--shm-size=[Size of '/dev/shm' (format is '')]:shm size: " \ "($help -t --tag)*"{-t=,--tag=}"[Repository, name and tag for the image]: :__docker_complete_repositories_with_tags" \ "($help)*--ulimit=[ulimit options]:ulimit: " \ "($help)--userns=[Container user namespace]:user namespace:(host)" \ "($help -):path or URL:_directories" && ret=0 ;; (history) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -H --human)"{-H,--human}"[Print sizes and dates in human readable format]" \ "($help)--no-trunc[Do not truncate output]" \ "($help -q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[Only show numeric IDs]" \ "($help -)*: :__docker_complete_images" && ret=0 ;; (import) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)*"{-c=,--change=}"[Apply Dockerfile instruction to the created image]:Dockerfile:_files" \ "($help -m --message)"{-m=,--message=}"[Commit message for imported image]:message: " \ "($help -):URL:(- http:// file://)" \ "($help -): :__docker_complete_repositories_with_tags" && ret=0 ;; (inspect) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --format)"{-f=,--format=}"[Format the output using the given go template]:template: " \ "($help -)*:images:__docker_complete_images" && ret=0 ;; (load) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -i --input)"{-i=,--input=}"[Read from tar archive file]:archive file:_files -g \"*.((tar|TAR)(.gz|.GZ|.Z|.bz2|.lzma|.xz|)|(tbz|tgz|txz))(-.)\"" \ "($help -q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[Suppress the load output]" && ret=0 ;; (ls|list) local state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -a --all)"{-a,--all}"[Show all images]" \ "($help)--digests[Show digests]" \ "($help)*"{-f=,--filter=}"[Filter values]:filter:->filter-options" \ "($help)--format=[Pretty-print images using a Go template]:template: " \ "($help)--no-trunc[Do not truncate output]" \ "($help -q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[Only show numeric IDs]" \ "($help -): :__docker_complete_repositories" && ret=0 case $state in (filter-options) __docker_complete_images_filters && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (prune) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -a --all)"{-a,--all}"[Remove all unused images, not just dangling ones]" \ "($help -f --force)"{-f,--force}"[Do not prompt for confirmation]" && ret=0 ;; (pull) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -a --all-tags)"{-a,--all-tags}"[Download all tagged images]" \ "($help)--disable-content-trust[Skip image verification]" \ "($help -):name:__docker_search" && ret=0 ;; (push) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)--disable-content-trust[Skip image signing]" \ "($help -): :__docker_complete_images" && ret=0 ;; (rm) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --force)"{-f,--force}"[Force removal]" \ "($help)--no-prune[Do not delete untagged parents]" \ "($help -)*: :__docker_complete_images" && ret=0 ;; (save) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -o --output)"{-o=,--output=}"[Write to file]:file:_files" \ "($help -)*: :__docker_complete_images" && ret=0 ;; (tag) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -):source:__docker_complete_images"\ "($help -):destination:__docker_complete_repositories_with_tags" && ret=0 ;; (help) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) ":subcommand:__docker_container_commands" && ret=0 ;; esac return ret } # EO image # BO network __docker_network_complete_ls_filters() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 if compset -P '*='; then case "${${words[-1]%=*}#*=}" in (driver) __docker_complete_info_plugins Network && ret=0 ;; (id) __docker_networks_ids && ret=0 ;; (name) __docker_networks_names && ret=0 ;; (type) type_opts=('builtin' 'custom') _describe -t type-filter-opts "Type Filter Options" type_opts && ret=0 ;; *) _message 'value' && ret=0 ;; esac else opts=('driver' 'id' 'label' 'name' 'type') _describe -t filter-opts "Filter Options" opts -qS "=" && ret=0 fi return ret } __docker_get_networks() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 local line s declare -a lines networks type=$1; shift lines=(${(f)${:-"$(_call_program commands docker $docker_options network ls)"$'\n'}}) # Parse header line to find columns local i=1 j=1 k header=${lines[1]} declare -A begin end while (( j < ${#header} - 1 )); do i=$(( j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 1 )) j=$(( i + ${${header[$i,-1]}[(i) ]} - 1 )) k=$(( j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 2 )) begin[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=$i end[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=$k done end[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=-1 lines=(${lines[2,-1]}) # Network ID if [[ $type = (ids|all) ]]; then for line in $lines; do s="${line[${begin[NETWORK ID]},${end[NETWORK ID]}]%% ##}" s="$s:${(l:7:: :::)${${line[${begin[DRIVER]},${end[DRIVER]}]}%% ##}}" networks=($networks $s) done fi # Names if [[ $type = (names|all) ]]; then for line in $lines; do s="${line[${begin[NAME]},${end[NAME]}]%% ##}" s="$s:${(l:7:: :::)${${line[${begin[DRIVER]},${end[DRIVER]}]}%% ##}}" networks=($networks $s) done fi _describe -t networks-list "networks" networks "$@" && ret=0 return ret } __docker_networks() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_get_networks all "$@" } __docker_networks_ids() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_get_networks ids "$@" } __docker_networks_names() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_get_networks names "$@" } __docker_network_commands() { local -a _docker_network_subcommands _docker_network_subcommands=( "connect:Connect a container to a network" "create:Creates a new network with a name specified by the user" "disconnect:Disconnects a container from a network" "inspect:Displays detailed information on a network" "ls:Lists all the networks created by the user" "prune:Remove all unused networks" "rm:Deletes one or more networks" ) _describe -t docker-network-commands "docker network command" _docker_network_subcommands } __docker_network_subcommand() { local -a _command_args opts_help local expl help="--help" integer ret=1 opts_help=("(: -)--help[Print usage]") case "$words[1]" in (connect) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)*--alias=[Add network-scoped alias for the container]:alias: " \ "($help)--ip=[Container IPv4 address]:IPv4: " \ "($help)--ip6=[Container IPv6 address]:IPv6: " \ "($help)*--link=[Add a link to another container]:link:->link" \ "($help)*--link-local-ip=[Add a link-local address for the container]:IPv4/IPv6: " \ "($help -)1:network:__docker_networks" \ "($help -)2:containers:__docker_complete_containers" && ret=0 case $state in (link) if compset -P "*:"; then _wanted alias expl "Alias" compadd -E "" && ret=0 else __docker_complete_running_containers -qS ":" && ret=0 fi ;; esac ;; (create) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) -A '-*' \ $opts_help \ "($help)*--aux-address[Auxiliary IPv4 or IPv6 addresses used by network driver]:key=IP: " \ "($help -d --driver)"{-d=,--driver=}"[Driver to manage the Network]:driver:(null host bridge overlay)" \ "($help)*--gateway=[IPv4 or IPv6 Gateway for the master subnet]:IP: " \ "($help)--internal[Restricts external access to the network]" \ "($help)*--ip-range=[Allocate container ip from a sub-range]:IP/mask: " \ "($help)--ipam-driver=[IP Address Management Driver]:driver:(default)" \ "($help)*--ipam-opt=[Custom IPAM plugin options]:opt=value: " \ "($help)--ipv6[Enable IPv6 networking]" \ "($help)*--label=[Set metadata on a network]:label=value: " \ "($help)*"{-o=,--opt=}"[Driver specific options]:opt=value: " \ "($help)*--subnet=[Subnet in CIDR format that represents a network segment]:IP/mask: " \ "($help -)1:Network Name: " && ret=0 ;; (disconnect) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -)1:network:__docker_networks" \ "($help -)2:containers:__docker_complete_containers" && ret=0 ;; (inspect) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --format)"{-f=,--format=}"[Format the output using the given go template]:template: " \ "($help -)*:network:__docker_networks" && ret=0 ;; (ls) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)--no-trunc[Do not truncate the output]" \ "($help)*"{-f=,--filter=}"[Provide filter values]:filter:->filter-options" \ "($help)--format=[Pretty-print networks using a Go template]:template: " \ "($help -q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[Only display numeric IDs]" && ret=0 case $state in (filter-options) __docker_network_complete_ls_filters && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (prune) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --force)"{-f,--force}"[Do not prompt for confirmation]" && ret=0 ;; (rm) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -)*:network:__docker_networks" && ret=0 ;; (help) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) ":subcommand:__docker_network_commands" && ret=0 ;; esac return ret } # EO network # BO node __docker_node_complete_ls_filters() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 if compset -P '*='; then case "${${words[-1]%=*}#*=}" in (id) __docker_complete_nodes_ids && ret=0 ;; (membership) membership_opts=('accepted' 'pending' 'rejected') _describe -t membership-opts "membership options" membership_opts && ret=0 ;; (name) __docker_complete_nodes_names && ret=0 ;; (role) role_opts=('manager' 'worker') _describe -t role-opts "role options" role_opts && ret=0 ;; *) _message 'value' && ret=0 ;; esac else opts=('id' 'label' 'membership' 'name' 'role') _describe -t filter-opts "filter options" opts -qS "=" && ret=0 fi return ret } __docker_node_complete_ps_filters() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 if compset -P '*='; then case "${${words[-1]%=*}#*=}" in (desired-state) state_opts=('accepted' 'running') _describe -t state-opts "desired state options" state_opts && ret=0 ;; *) _message 'value' && ret=0 ;; esac else opts=('desired-state' 'id' 'label' 'name') _describe -t filter-opts "filter options" opts -qS "=" && ret=0 fi return ret } __docker_nodes() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 local line s declare -a lines nodes args type=$1; shift filter=$1; shift [[ $filter != "none" ]] && args=("-f $filter") lines=(${(f)${:-"$(_call_program commands docker $docker_options node ls $args)"$'\n'}}) # Parse header line to find columns local i=1 j=1 k header=${lines[1]} declare -A begin end while (( j < ${#header} - 1 )); do i=$(( j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 1 )) j=$(( i + ${${header[$i,-1]}[(i) ]} - 1 )) k=$(( j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 2 )) begin[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=$i end[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=$k done end[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=-1 lines=(${lines[2,-1]}) # Node ID if [[ $type = (ids|all) ]]; then for line in $lines; do s="${line[${begin[ID]},${end[ID]}]%% ##}" nodes=($nodes $s) done fi # Names if [[ $type = (names|all) ]]; then for line in $lines; do s="${line[${begin[NAME]},${end[NAME]}]%% ##}" nodes=($nodes $s) done fi _describe -t nodes-list "nodes" nodes "$@" && ret=0 return ret } __docker_complete_nodes() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_nodes all none "$@" } __docker_complete_nodes_ids() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_nodes ids none "$@" } __docker_complete_nodes_names() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_nodes names none "$@" } __docker_complete_pending_nodes() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_nodes all "membership=pending" "$@" } __docker_complete_manager_nodes() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_nodes all "role=manager" "$@" } __docker_complete_worker_nodes() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_nodes all "role=worker" "$@" } __docker_node_commands() { local -a _docker_node_subcommands _docker_node_subcommands=( "demote:Demote a node as manager in the swarm" "inspect:Display detailed information on one or more nodes" "ls:List nodes in the swarm" "promote:Promote a node as manager in the swarm" "rm:Remove one or more nodes from the swarm" "ps:List tasks running on one or more nodes, defaults to current node" "update:Update a node" ) _describe -t docker-node-commands "docker node command" _docker_node_subcommands } __docker_node_subcommand() { local -a _command_args opts_help local expl help="--help" integer ret=1 opts_help=("(: -)--help[Print usage]") case "$words[1]" in (rm|remove) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --force)"{-f,--force}"[Force remove a node from the swarm]" \ "($help -)*:node:__docker_complete_pending_nodes" && ret=0 ;; (demote) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -)*:node:__docker_complete_manager_nodes" && ret=0 ;; (inspect) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --format)"{-f=,--format=}"[Format the output using the given go template]:template: " \ "($help)--pretty[Print the information in a human friendly format]" \ "($help -)*:node:__docker_complete_nodes" && ret=0 ;; (ls|list) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)*"{-f=,--filter=}"[Provide filter values]:filter:->filter-options" \ "($help -q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[Only display IDs]" && ret=0 case $state in (filter-options) __docker_node_complete_ls_filters && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (promote) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -)*:node:__docker_complete_worker_nodes" && ret=0 ;; (ps) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -a --all)"{-a,--all}"[Display all instances]" \ "($help)*"{-f=,--filter=}"[Provide filter values]:filter:->filter-options" \ "($help)--no-resolve[Do not map IDs to Names]" \ "($help)--no-trunc[Do not truncate output]" \ "($help -)*:node:__docker_complete_nodes" && ret=0 case $state in (filter-options) __docker_node_complete_ps_filters && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (update) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)--availability=[Availability of the node]:availability:(active pause drain)" \ "($help)*--label-add=[Add or update a node label]:key=value: " \ "($help)*--label-rm=[Remove a node label if exists]:label: " \ "($help)--role=[Role of the node]:role:(manager worker)" \ "($help -)1:node:__docker_complete_nodes" && ret=0 ;; (help) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) ":subcommand:__docker_node_commands" && ret=0 ;; esac return ret } # EO node # BO plugin __docker_complete_plugins() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 local line s declare -a lines plugins lines=(${(f)${:-"$(_call_program commands docker $docker_options plugin ls)"$'\n'}}) # Parse header line to find columns local i=1 j=1 k header=${lines[1]} declare -A begin end while (( j < ${#header} - 1 )); do i=$(( j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 1 )) j=$(( i + ${${header[$i,-1]}[(i) ]} - 1 )) k=$(( j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 2 )) begin[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=$i end[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=$k done end[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=-1 lines=(${lines[2,-1]}) # Name for line in $lines; do s="${line[${begin[NAME]},${end[NAME]}]%% ##}" s="$s:${(l:7:: :::)${${line[${begin[TAG]},${end[TAG]}]}%% ##}}" plugins=($plugins $s) done _describe -t plugins-list "plugins" plugins "$@" && ret=0 return ret } __docker_plugin_commands() { local -a _docker_plugin_subcommands _docker_plugin_subcommands=( "disable:Disable a plugin" "enable:Enable a plugin" "inspect:Return low-level information about a plugin" "install:Install a plugin" "ls:List plugins" "push:Push a plugin" "rm:Remove a plugin" "set:Change settings for a plugin" ) _describe -t docker-plugin-commands "docker plugin command" _docker_plugin_subcommands } __docker_plugin_subcommand() { local -a _command_args opts_help local expl help="--help" integer ret=1 opts_help=("(: -)--help[Print usage]") case "$words[1]" in (disable|enable|inspect|install|ls|push|rm) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -)1:plugin:__docker_complete_plugins" && ret=0 ;; (set) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -)1:plugin:__docker_complete_plugins" \ "($help-)*:key=value: " && ret=0 ;; (help) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) ":subcommand:__docker_plugin_commands" && ret=0 ;; esac return ret } # EO plugin # BO secret __docker_secrets() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 local line s declare -a lines secrets type=$1; shift lines=(${(f)${:-"$(_call_program commands docker $docker_options secret ls)"$'\n'}}) # Parse header line to find columns local i=1 j=1 k header=${lines[1]} declare -A begin end while (( j < ${#header} - 1 )); do i=$(( j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 1 )) j=$(( i + ${${header[$i,-1]}[(i) ]} - 1 )) k=$(( j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 2 )) begin[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=$i end[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=$k done end[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=-1 lines=(${lines[2,-1]}) # ID if [[ $type = (ids|all) ]]; then for line in $lines; do s="${line[${begin[ID]},${end[ID]}]%% ##}" secrets=($secrets $s) done fi # Names if [[ $type = (names|all) ]]; then for line in $lines; do s="${line[${begin[NAME]},${end[NAME]}]%% ##}" secrets=($secrets $s) done fi _describe -t secrets-list "secrets" secrets "$@" && ret=0 return ret } __docker_complete_secrets() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_secrets all "$@" } __docker_secret_commands() { local -a _docker_secret_subcommands _docker_secret_subcommands=( "create:Create a secret using stdin as content" "inspect:Display detailed information on one or more secrets" "ls:List secrets" "rm:Remove one or more secrets" ) _describe -t docker-secret-commands "docker secret command" _docker_secret_subcommands } __docker_secret_subcommand() { local -a _command_args opts_help local expl help="--help" integer ret=1 opts_help=("(: -)--help[Print usage]") case "$words[1]" in (create) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)*"{-l=,--label=}"[Secret labels]:label: " \ "($help -):secret: " && ret=0 ;; (inspect) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --format)"{-f=,--format=}"[Format the output using the given Go template]:template: " \ "($help -)*:secret:__docker_complete_secrets" && ret=0 ;; (ls|list) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[Only display IDs]" && ret=0 ;; (rm|remove) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -)*:secret:__docker_complete_secrets" && ret=0 ;; (help) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) ":subcommand:__docker_secret_commands" && ret=0 ;; esac return ret } # EO secret # BO service __docker_service_complete_ls_filters() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 if compset -P '*='; then case "${${words[-1]%=*}#*=}" in (id) __docker_complete_services_ids && ret=0 ;; (name) __docker_complete_services_names && ret=0 ;; *) _message 'value' && ret=0 ;; esac else opts=('id' 'label' 'name') _describe -t filter-opts "filter options" opts -qS "=" && ret=0 fi return ret } __docker_service_complete_ps_filters() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 if compset -P '*='; then case "${${words[-1]%=*}#*=}" in (desired-state) state_opts=('accepted' 'running') _describe -t state-opts "desired state options" state_opts && ret=0 ;; *) _message 'value' && ret=0 ;; esac else opts=('desired-state' 'id' 'label' 'name') _describe -t filter-opts "filter options" opts -qS "=" && ret=0 fi return ret } __docker_services() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 local line s declare -a lines services type=$1; shift lines=(${(f)${:-"$(_call_program commands docker $docker_options service ls)"$'\n'}}) # Parse header line to find columns local i=1 j=1 k header=${lines[1]} declare -A begin end while (( j < ${#header} - 1 )); do i=$(( j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 1 )) j=$(( i + ${${header[$i,-1]}[(i) ]} - 1 )) k=$(( j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 2 )) begin[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=$i end[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=$k done end[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=-1 lines=(${lines[2,-1]}) # Service ID if [[ $type = (ids|all) ]]; then for line in $lines; do s="${line[${begin[ID]},${end[ID]}]%% ##}" s="$s:${(l:7:: :::)${${line[${begin[IMAGE]},${end[IMAGE]}]}%% ##}}" services=($services $s) done fi # Names if [[ $type = (names|all) ]]; then for line in $lines; do s="${line[${begin[NAME]},${end[NAME]}]%% ##}" s="$s:${(l:7:: :::)${${line[${begin[IMAGE]},${end[IMAGE]}]}%% ##}}" services=($services $s) done fi _describe -t services-list "services" services "$@" && ret=0 return ret } __docker_complete_services() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_services all "$@" } __docker_complete_services_ids() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_services ids "$@" } __docker_complete_services_names() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 __docker_services names "$@" } __docker_service_commands() { local -a _docker_service_subcommands _docker_service_subcommands=( "create:Create a new service" "inspect:Display detailed information on one or more services" "ls:List services" "rm:Remove one or more services" "scale:Scale one or multiple replicated services" "ps:List the tasks of a service" "update:Update a service" ) _describe -t docker-service-commands "docker service command" _docker_service_subcommands } __docker_service_subcommand() { local -a _command_args opts_help opts_create_update local expl help="--help" integer ret=1 opts_help=("(: -)--help[Print usage]") opts_create_update=( "($help)*--constraint=[Placement constraints]:constraint: " "($help)--endpoint-mode=[Placement constraints]:mode:(dnsrr vip)" "($help)*"{-e=,--env=}"[Set environment variables]:env: " "($help)--health-cmd=[Command to run to check health]:command: " "($help)--health-interval=[Time between running the check]:time: " "($help)--health-retries=[Consecutive failures needed to report unhealthy]:retries:(1 2 3 4 5)" "($help)--health-timeout=[Maximum time to allow one check to run]:time: " "($help)*--label=[Service labels]:label: " "($help)--limit-cpu=[Limit CPUs]:value: " "($help)--limit-memory=[Limit Memory]:value: " "($help)--log-driver=[Logging driver for service]:logging driver:__docker_complete_log_drivers" "($help)*--log-opt=[Logging driver options]:log driver options:__docker_complete_log_options" "($help)*--mount=[Attach a filesystem mount to the service]:mount: " "($help)*--network=[Network attachments]:network: " "($help)--no-healthcheck[Disable any container-specified HEALTHCHECK]" "($help)*"{-p=,--publish=}"[Publish a port as a node port]:port: " "($help)--replicas=[Number of tasks]:replicas: " "($help)--reserve-cpu=[Reserve CPUs]:value: " "($help)--reserve-memory=[Reserve Memory]:value: " "($help)--restart-condition=[Restart when condition is met]:mode:(any none on-failure)" "($help)--restart-delay=[Delay between restart attempts]:delay: " "($help)--restart-max-attempts=[Maximum number of restarts before giving up]:max-attempts: " "($help)--restart-window=[Window used to evaluate the restart policy]:window: " "($help)*--secret=[Specify secrets to expose to the service]:secret:__docker_complete_secrets" "($help)--stop-grace-period=[Time to wait before force killing a container]:grace period: " "($help -t --tty)"{-t,--tty}"[Allocate a pseudo-TTY]" "($help)--update-delay=[Delay between updates]:delay: " "($help)--update-failure-action=[Action on update failure]:mode:(pause continue)" "($help)--update-max-failure-ratio=[Failure rate to tolerate during an update]:fraction: " "($help)--update-monitor=[Duration after each task update to monitor for failure]:window: " "($help)--update-parallelism=[Maximum number of tasks updated simultaneously]:number: " "($help -u --user)"{-u=,--user=}"[Username or UID]:user:_users" "($help)--with-registry-auth[Send registry authentication details to swarm agents]" "($help -w --workdir)"{-w=,--workdir=}"[Working directory inside the container]:directory:_directories" ) case "$words[1]" in (create) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ $opts_create_update \ "($help)*--container-label=[Container labels]:label: " \ "($help)*--dns=[Set custom DNS servers]:DNS: " \ "($help)*--dns-option=[Set DNS options]:DNS option: " \ "($help)*--dns-search=[Set custom DNS search domains]:DNS search: " \ "($help)*--env-file=[Read environment variables from a file]:environment file:_files" \ "($help)--hostname=[Service containers hostname]:hostname: " \ "($help)--mode=[Service Mode]:mode:(global replicated)" \ "($help)--name=[Service name]:name: " \ "($help)*--port=[Publish a port]:port: " \ "($help -): :__docker_complete_images" \ "($help -):command: _command_names -e" \ "($help -)*::arguments: _normal" && ret=0 ;; (inspect) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --format)"{-f=,--format=}"[Format the output using the given go template]:template: " \ "($help)--pretty[Print the information in a human friendly format]" \ "($help -)*:service:__docker_complete_services" && ret=0 ;; (ls|list) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)*"{-f=,--filter=}"[Filter output based on conditions provided]:filter:->filter-options" \ "($help -q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[Only display IDs]" && ret=0 case $state in (filter-options) __docker_service_complete_ls_filters && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (rm|remove) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -)*:service:__docker_complete_services" && ret=0 ;; (scale) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -)*:service:->values" && ret=0 case $state in (values) if compset -P '*='; then _message 'replicas' && ret=0 else __docker_complete_services -qS "=" fi ;; esac ;; (ps) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)*"{-f=,--filter=}"[Provide filter values]:filter:->filter-options" \ "($help)--no-resolve[Do not map IDs to Names]" \ "($help)--no-trunc[Do not truncate output]" \ "($help -q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[Only display task IDs]" \ "($help -)1:service:__docker_complete_services" && ret=0 case $state in (filter-options) __docker_service_complete_ps_filters && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (update) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ $opts_create_update \ "($help)--arg=[Service command args]:arguments: _normal" \ "($help)*--container-label-add=[Add or update container labels]:label: " \ "($help)*--container-label-rm=[Remove a container label by its key]:label: " \ "($help)*--dns-add=[Add or update custom DNS servers]:DNS: " \ "($help)*--dns-rm=[Remove custom DNS servers]:DNS: " \ "($help)*--dns-option-add=[Add or update DNS options]:DNS option: " \ "($help)*--dns-option-rm=[Remove DNS options]:DNS option: " \ "($help)*--dns-search-add=[Add or update custom DNS search domains]:DNS search: " \ "($help)*--dns-search-rm=[Remove DNS search domains]:DNS search: " \ "($help)--force[Force update]" \ "($help)*--group-add=[Add additional supplementary user groups to the container]:group:_groups" \ "($help)*--group-rm=[Remove previously added supplementary user groups from the container]:group:_groups" \ "($help)--image=[Service image tag]:image:__docker_complete_repositories" \ "($help)*--port-add=[Add or update a port]:port: " \ "($help)*--port-rm=[Remove a port(target-port mandatory)]:port: " \ "($help)--rollback[Rollback to previous specification]" \ "($help -)1:service:__docker_complete_services" && ret=0 ;; (help) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) ":subcommand:__docker_service_commands" && ret=0 ;; esac return ret } # EO service # BO swarm __docker_swarm_commands() { local -a _docker_swarm_subcommands _docker_swarm_subcommands=( "init:Initialize a swarm" "join:Join a swarm as a node and/or manager" "join-token:Manage join tokens" "leave:Leave a swarm" "update:Update the swarm" ) _describe -t docker-swarm-commands "docker swarm command" _docker_swarm_subcommands } __docker_swarm_subcommand() { local -a _command_args opts_help local expl help="--help" integer ret=1 opts_help=("(: -)--help[Print usage]") case "$words[1]" in (init) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)--advertise-addr[Advertised address]:ip\:port: " \ "($help)*--external-ca=[Specifications of one or more certificate signing endpoints]:endpoint: " \ "($help)--force-new-cluster[Force create a new cluster from current state]" \ "($help)--listen-addr=[Listen address]:ip\:port: " \ "($help)--max-snapshots[Number of additional Raft snapshots to retain]" \ "($help)--snapshot-interval[Number of log entries between Raft snapshots]" \ "($help)--task-history-limit=[Task history retention limit]:limit: " && ret=0 ;; (join) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)--advertise-addr[Advertised address]:ip\:port: " \ "($help)--listen-addr=[Listen address]:ip\:port: " \ "($help)--token=[Token for entry into the swarm]:secret: " \ "($help -):host\:port: " && ret=0 ;; (join-token) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[Only display token]" \ "($help)--rotate[Rotate join token]" \ "($help -):role:(manager worker)" && ret=0 ;; (leave) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --force)"{-f,--force}"[Force this node to leave the swarm, ignoring warnings]" && ret=0 ;; (update) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)--cert-expiry=[Validity period for node certificates]:duration: " \ "($help)*--external-ca=[Specifications of one or more certificate signing endpoints]:endpoint: " \ "($help)--dispatcher-heartbeat=[Dispatcher heartbeat period]:duration: " \ "($help)--max-snapshots[Number of additional Raft snapshots to retain]" \ "($help)--snapshot-interval[Number of log entries between Raft snapshots]" \ "($help)--task-history-limit=[Task history retention limit]:limit: " && ret=0 ;; (help) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) ":subcommand:__docker_network_commands" && ret=0 ;; esac return ret } # EO swarm # BO system __docker_system_commands() { local -a _docker_system_subcommands _docker_system_subcommands=( "df:Show docker disk usage" "events:Get real time events from the server" "info:Display system-wide information" "prune:Remove unused data" ) _describe -t docker-system-commands "docker system command" _docker_system_subcommands } __docker_system_subcommand() { local -a _command_args opts_help local expl help="--help" integer ret=1 opts_help=("(: -)--help[Print usage]") case "$words[1]" in (df) # @TODO ;; (events) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)*"{-f=,--filter=}"[Filter values]:filter:__docker_complete_events_filter" \ "($help)--since=[Events created since this timestamp]:timestamp: " \ "($help)--until=[Events created until this timestamp]:timestamp: " \ "($help)--format=[Format the output using the given go template]:template: " && ret=0 ;; (info) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --format)"{-f=,--format=}"[Format the output using the given go template]:template: " && ret=0 ;; (prune) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -a --all)"{-a,--all}"[Remove all unused data, not just dangling ones]" \ "($help -f --force)"{-f,--force}"[Do not prompt for confirmation]" && ret=0 ;; (help) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) ":subcommand:__docker_volume_commands" && ret=0 ;; esac return ret } # EO system # BO volume __docker_volume_complete_ls_filters() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 if compset -P '*='; then case "${${words[-1]%=*}#*=}" in (dangling) dangling_opts=('true' 'false') _describe -t dangling-filter-opts "Dangling Filter Options" dangling_opts && ret=0 ;; (driver) __docker_complete_info_plugins Volume && ret=0 ;; (name) __docker_volumes && ret=0 ;; *) _message 'value' && ret=0 ;; esac else opts=('dangling' 'driver' 'label' 'name') _describe -t filter-opts "Filter Options" opts -qS "=" && ret=0 fi return ret } __docker_volumes() { [[ $PREFIX = -* ]] && return 1 integer ret=1 declare -a lines volumes lines=(${(f)${:-"$(_call_program commands docker $docker_options volume ls)"$'\n'}}) # Parse header line to find columns local i=1 j=1 k header=${lines[1]} declare -A begin end while (( j < ${#header} - 1 )); do i=$(( j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 1 )) j=$(( i + ${${header[$i,-1]}[(i) ]} - 1 )) k=$(( j + ${${header[$j,-1]}[(i)[^ ]]} - 2 )) begin[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=$i end[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=$k done end[${header[$i,$((j-1))]}]=-1 lines=(${lines[2,-1]}) # Names local line s for line in $lines; do s="${line[${begin[VOLUME NAME]},${end[VOLUME NAME]}]%% ##}" s="$s:${(l:7:: :::)${${line[${begin[DRIVER]},${end[DRIVER]}]}%% ##}}" volumes=($volumes $s) done _describe -t volumes-list "volumes" volumes && ret=0 return ret } __docker_volume_commands() { local -a _docker_volume_subcommands _docker_volume_subcommands=( "create:Create a volume" "inspect:Display detailed information on one or more volumes" "ls:List volumes" "prune:Remove all unused volumes" "rm:Remove one or more volumes" ) _describe -t docker-volume-commands "docker volume command" _docker_volume_subcommands } __docker_volume_subcommand() { local -a _command_args opts_help local expl help="--help" integer ret=1 opts_help=("(: -)--help[Print usage]") case "$words[1]" in (create) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) -A '-*' \ $opts_help \ "($help -d --driver)"{-d=,--driver=}"[Volume driver name]:Driver name:(local)" \ "($help)*--label=[Set metadata for a volume]:label=value: " \ "($help)*"{-o=,--opt=}"[Driver specific options]:Driver option: " \ "($help -)1:Volume name: " && ret=0 ;; (inspect) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --format)"{-f=,--format=}"[Format the output using the given go template]:template: " \ "($help -)1:volume:__docker_volumes" && ret=0 ;; (ls) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)*"{-f=,--filter=}"[Provide filter values]:filter:->filter-options" \ "($help)--format=[Pretty-print volumes using a Go template]:template: " \ "($help -q --quiet)"{-q,--quiet}"[Only display volume names]" && ret=0 case $state in (filter-options) __docker_volume_complete_ls_filters && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (prune) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --force)"{-f,--force}"[Do not prompt for confirmation]" && ret=0 ;; (rm) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --force)"{-f,--force}"[Force the removal of one or more volumes]" \ "($help -):volume:__docker_volumes" && ret=0 ;; (help) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) ":subcommand:__docker_volume_commands" && ret=0 ;; esac return ret } # EO volume __docker_caching_policy() { oldp=( "$1"(Nmh+1) ) # 1 hour (( $#oldp )) } __docker_commands() { local cache_policy zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy cache_policy if [[ -z "$cache_policy" ]]; then zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy __docker_caching_policy fi if ( [[ ${+_docker_subcommands} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid docker_subcommands) \ && ! _retrieve_cache docker_subcommands; then local -a lines lines=(${(f)"$(_call_program commands docker 2>&1)"}) _docker_subcommands=(${${${(M)${lines[$((${lines[(i)*Commands:]} + 1)),-1]}:# *}## #}/ ##/:}) _docker_subcommands=($_docker_subcommands 'daemon:Enable daemon mode' 'help:Show help for a command') (( $#_docker_subcommands > 2 )) && _store_cache docker_subcommands _docker_subcommands fi _describe -t docker-commands "docker command" _docker_subcommands } __docker_subcommand() { local -a _command_args opts_help local expl help="--help" integer ret=1 opts_help=("(: -)--help[Print usage]") case "$words[1]" in (attach|commit|cp|create|diff|exec|export|kill|logs|pause|unpause|port|rename|restart|rm|run|start|stats|stop|top|update|wait) __docker_container_subcommand && ret=0 ;; (build|history|import|load|pull|push|save|tag) __docker_image_subcommand && ret=0 ;; (container) local curcontext="$curcontext" state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -): :->command" \ "($help -)*:: :->option-or-argument" && ret=0 case $state in (command) __docker_container_commands && ret=0 ;; (option-or-argument) curcontext=${curcontext%:*:*}:docker-${words[-1]}: __docker_container_subcommand && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (daemon) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)*--add-runtime=[Register an additional OCI compatible runtime]:runtime:__docker_complete_runtimes" \ "($help)--api-cors-header=[CORS headers in the remote API]:CORS headers: " \ "($help)*--authorization-plugin=[Authorization plugins to load]" \ "($help -b --bridge)"{-b=,--bridge=}"[Attach containers to a network bridge]:bridge:_net_interfaces" \ "($help)--bip=[Network bridge IP]:IP address: " \ "($help)--cgroup-parent=[Parent cgroup for all containers]:cgroup: " \ "($help)--cluster-advertise=[Address or interface name to advertise]:Instance to advertise (host\:port): " \ "($help)--cluster-store=[URL of the distributed storage backend]:Cluster Store:->cluster-store" \ "($help)*--cluster-store-opt=[Cluster store options]:Cluster options:->cluster-store-options" \ "($help)--config-file=[Path to daemon configuration file]:Config File:_files" \ "($help)--containerd=[Path to containerd socket]:socket:_files -g \"*.sock\"" \ "($help -D --debug)"{-D,--debug}"[Enable debug mode]" \ "($help)--default-gateway[Container default gateway IPv4 address]:IPv4 address: " \ "($help)--default-gateway-v6[Container default gateway IPv6 address]:IPv6 address: " \ "($help)*--default-ulimit=[Default ulimits for containers]:ulimit: " \ "($help)--disable-legacy-registry[Disable contacting legacy registries]" \ "($help)*--dns=[DNS server to use]:DNS: " \ "($help)*--dns-opt=[DNS options to use]:DNS option: " \ "($help)*--dns-search=[DNS search domains to use]:DNS search: " \ "($help)*--exec-opt=[Runtime execution options]:runtime execution options: " \ "($help)--exec-root=[Root directory for execution state files]:path:_directories" \ "($help)--experimental[Enable experimental features]" \ "($help)--fixed-cidr=[IPv4 subnet for fixed IPs]:IPv4 subnet: " \ "($help)--fixed-cidr-v6=[IPv6 subnet for fixed IPs]:IPv6 subnet: " \ "($help -G --group)"{-G=,--group=}"[Group for the unix socket]:group:_groups" \ "($help -g --graph)"{-g=,--graph=}"[Root of the Docker runtime]:path:_directories" \ "($help -H --host)"{-H=,--host=}"[tcp://host:port to bind/connect to]:host: " \ "($help)--icc[Enable inter-container communication]" \ "($help)--init-path=[Path to the docker-init binary]:docker-init binary:_files" \ "($help)*--insecure-registry=[Enable insecure registry communication]:registry: " \ "($help)--ip=[Default IP when binding container ports]" \ "($help)--ip-forward[Enable net.ipv4.ip_forward]" \ "($help)--ip-masq[Enable IP masquerading]" \ "($help)--iptables[Enable addition of iptables rules]" \ "($help)--ipv6[Enable IPv6 networking]" \ "($help -l --log-level)"{-l=,--log-level=}"[Logging level]:level:(debug info warn error fatal)" \ "($help)*--label=[Key=value labels]:label: " \ "($help)--live-restore[Enable live restore of docker when containers are still running]" \ "($help)--log-driver=[Default driver for container logs]:logging driver:__docker_complete_log_drivers" \ "($help)*--log-opt=[Default log driver options for containers]:log driver options:__docker_complete_log_options" \ "($help)--max-concurrent-downloads[Set the max concurrent downloads for each pull]" \ "($help)--max-concurrent-uploads[Set the max concurrent uploads for each push]" \ "($help)--mtu=[Network MTU]:mtu:(0 576 1420 1500 9000)" \ "($help)--oom-score-adjust=[Set the oom_score_adj for the daemon]:oom-score:(-500)" \ "($help -p --pidfile)"{-p=,--pidfile=}"[Path to use for daemon PID file]:PID file:_files" \ "($help)--raw-logs[Full timestamps without ANSI coloring]" \ "($help)*--registry-mirror=[Preferred Docker registry mirror]:registry mirror: " \ "($help)--seccomp-profile=[Path to seccomp profile]:path:_files -g \"*.json\"" \ "($help -s --storage-driver)"{-s=,--storage-driver=}"[Storage driver to use]:driver:(aufs btrfs devicemapper overlay overlay2 vfs zfs)" \ "($help)--selinux-enabled[Enable selinux support]" \ "($help)--shutdown-timeout=[Set the shutdown timeout value in seconds]:time: " \ "($help)*--storage-opt=[Storage driver options]:storage driver options: " \ "($help)--tls[Use TLS]" \ "($help)--tlscacert=[Trust certs signed only by this CA]:PEM file:_files -g \"*.(pem|crt)\"" \ "($help)--tlscert=[Path to TLS certificate file]:PEM file:_files -g \"*.(pem|crt)\"" \ "($help)--tlskey=[Path to TLS key file]:Key file:_files -g \"*.(pem|key)\"" \ "($help)--tlsverify[Use TLS and verify the remote]" \ "($help)--userns-remap=[User/Group setting for user namespaces]:user\:group:->users-groups" \ "($help)--userland-proxy[Use userland proxy for loopback traffic]" && ret=0 case $state in (cluster-store) if compset -P '*://'; then _message 'host:port' && ret=0 else store=('consul' 'etcd' 'zk') _describe -t cluster-store "Cluster Store" store -qS "://" && ret=0 fi ;; (cluster-store-options) if compset -P '*='; then _files && ret=0 else opts=('discovery.heartbeat' 'discovery.ttl' 'kv.cacertfile' 'kv.certfile' 'kv.keyfile' 'kv.path') _describe -t cluster-store-opts "Cluster Store Options" opts -qS "=" && ret=0 fi ;; (users-groups) if compset -P '*:'; then _groups && ret=0 else _describe -t userns-default "default Docker user management" '(default)' && ret=0 _users && ret=0 fi ;; esac ;; (events|info) __docker_system_subcommand && ret=0 ;; (image) local curcontext="$curcontext" state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -): :->command" \ "($help -)*:: :->option-or-argument" && ret=0 case $state in (command) __docker_image_commands && ret=0 ;; (option-or-argument) curcontext=${curcontext%:*:*}:docker-${words[-1]}: __docker_image_subcommand && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (images) words[1]='ls' __docker_image_subcommand && ret=0 ;; (inspect) local state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --format)"{-f=,--format=}"[Format the output using the given go template]:template: " \ "($help -s --size)"{-s,--size}"[Display total file sizes if the type is container]" \ "($help)--type=[Return JSON for specified type]:type:(image container)" \ "($help -)*: :->values" && ret=0 case $state in (values) if [[ ${words[(r)--type=container]} == --type=container ]]; then __docker_complete_containers && ret=0 elif [[ ${words[(r)--type=image]} == --type=image ]]; then __docker_complete_images && ret=0 else __docker_complete_images && __docker_complete_containers && ret=0 fi ;; esac ;; (login) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -p --password)"{-p=,--password=}"[Password]:password: " \ "($help -u --user)"{-u=,--user=}"[Username]:username: " \ "($help -)1:server: " && ret=0 ;; (logout) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -)1:server: " && ret=0 ;; (network) local curcontext="$curcontext" state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -): :->command" \ "($help -)*:: :->option-or-argument" && ret=0 case $state in (command) __docker_network_commands && ret=0 ;; (option-or-argument) curcontext=${curcontext%:*:*}:docker-${words[-1]}: __docker_network_subcommand && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (node) local curcontext="$curcontext" state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -): :->command" \ "($help -)*:: :->option-or-argument" && ret=0 case $state in (command) __docker_node_commands && ret=0 ;; (option-or-argument) curcontext=${curcontext%:*:*}:docker-${words[-1]}: __docker_node_subcommand && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (plugin) local curcontext="$curcontext" state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -): :->command" \ "($help -)*:: :->option-or-argument" && ret=0 case $state in (command) __docker_plugin_commands && ret=0 ;; (option-or-argument) curcontext=${curcontext%:*:*}:docker-${words[-1]}: __docker_plugin_subcommand && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (ps) words[1]='ls' __docker_container_subcommand && ret=0 ;; (rmi) words[1]='rm' __docker_image_subcommand && ret=0 ;; (search) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help)*"{-f=,--filter=}"[Filter values]:filter:->filter-options" \ "($help)--limit=[Maximum returned search results]:limit:(1 5 10 25 50)" \ "($help)--no-trunc[Do not truncate output]" \ "($help -):term: " && ret=0 case $state in (filter-options) __docker_complete_search_filters && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (secret) local curcontext="$curcontext" state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -): :->command" \ "($help -)*:: :->option-or-argument" && ret=0 case $state in (command) __docker_secret_commands && ret=0 ;; (option-or-argument) curcontext=${curcontext%:*:*}:docker-${words[-1]}: __docker_secret_subcommand && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (service) local curcontext="$curcontext" state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -): :->command" \ "($help -)*:: :->option-or-argument" && ret=0 case $state in (command) __docker_service_commands && ret=0 ;; (option-or-argument) curcontext=${curcontext%:*:*}:docker-${words[-1]}: __docker_service_subcommand && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (swarm) local curcontext="$curcontext" state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -): :->command" \ "($help -)*:: :->option-or-argument" && ret=0 case $state in (command) __docker_swarm_commands && ret=0 ;; (option-or-argument) curcontext=${curcontext%:*:*}:docker-${words[-1]}: __docker_swarm_subcommand && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (system) local curcontext="$curcontext" state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -): :->command" \ "($help -)*:: :->option-or-argument" && ret=0 case $state in (command) __docker_system_commands && ret=0 ;; (option-or-argument) curcontext=${curcontext%:*:*}:docker-${words[-1]}: __docker_system_subcommand && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (version) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -f --format)"{-f=,--format=}"[Format the output using the given go template]:template: " && ret=0 ;; (volume) local curcontext="$curcontext" state _arguments $(__docker_arguments) \ $opts_help \ "($help -): :->command" \ "($help -)*:: :->option-or-argument" && ret=0 case $state in (command) __docker_volume_commands && ret=0 ;; (option-or-argument) curcontext=${curcontext%:*:*}:docker-${words[-1]}: __docker_volume_subcommand && ret=0 ;; esac ;; (help) _arguments $(__docker_arguments) ":subcommand:__docker_commands" && ret=0 ;; esac return ret } _docker() { # Support for subservices, which allows for `compdef _docker docker-shell=_docker_containers`. # Based on /usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Unix/_git without support for `ret`. if [[ $service != docker ]]; then _call_function - _$service return fi local curcontext="$curcontext" state line help="-h --help" integer ret=1 typeset -A opt_args _arguments $(__docker_arguments) -C \ "(: -)"{-h,--help}"[Print usage]" \ "($help)--config[Location of client config files]:path:_directories" \ "($help -D --debug)"{-D,--debug}"[Enable debug mode]" \ "($help -H --host)"{-H=,--host=}"[tcp://host:port to bind/connect to]:host: " \ "($help -l --log-level)"{-l=,--log-level=}"[Logging level]:level:(debug info warn error fatal)" \ "($help)--tls[Use TLS]" \ "($help)--tlscacert=[Trust certs signed only by this CA]:PEM file:_files -g "*.(pem|crt)"" \ "($help)--tlscert=[Path to TLS certificate file]:PEM file:_files -g "*.(pem|crt)"" \ "($help)--tlskey=[Path to TLS key file]:Key file:_files -g "*.(pem|key)"" \ "($help)--tlsverify[Use TLS and verify the remote]" \ "($help)--userland-proxy[Use userland proxy for loopback traffic]" \ "($help -v --version)"{-v,--version}"[Print version information and quit]" \ "($help -): :->command" \ "($help -)*:: :->option-or-argument" && ret=0 local host=${opt_args[-H]}${opt_args[--host]} local config=${opt_args[--config]} local docker_options="${host:+--host $host} ${config:+--config $config}" case $state in (command) __docker_commands && ret=0 ;; (option-or-argument) curcontext=${curcontext%:*:*}:docker-$words[1]: __docker_subcommand && ret=0 ;; esac return ret } _dockerd() { integer ret=1 words[1]='daemon' __docker_subcommand && ret=0 return ret } _docker "$@" # Local Variables: # mode: Shell-Script # sh-indentation: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # sh-basic-offset: 4 # End: # vim: ft=zsh sw=4 ts=4 et