#!/bin/bash # # bash completion file for core docker commands # # This script provides completion of: # - commands and their options # - container ids and names # - image repos and tags # - filepaths # # To enable the completions either: # - place this file in /etc/bash_completion.d # or # - copy this file to e.g. ~/.docker-completion.sh and add the line # below to your .bashrc after bash completion features are loaded # . ~/.docker-completion.sh # # Configuration: # # For several commands, the amount of completions can be configured by # setting environment variables. # # DOCKER_COMPLETION_SHOW_NETWORK_IDS # "no" - Show names only (default) # "yes" - Show names and ids # # You can tailor completion for the "events", "history", "inspect", "run", # "rmi" and "save" commands by settings the following environment # variables: # # DOCKER_COMPLETION_SHOW_IMAGE_IDS # "none" - Show names only (default) # "non-intermediate" - Show names and ids, but omit intermediate image IDs # "all" - Show names and ids, including intermediate image IDs # # DOCKER_COMPLETION_SHOW_TAGS # "yes" - include tags in completion options (default) # "no" - don't include tags in completion options # # Note: # Currently, the completions will not work if the docker daemon is not # bound to the default communication port/socket # If the docker daemon is using a unix socket for communication your user # must have access to the socket for the completions to function correctly # # Note for developers: # Please arrange options sorted alphabetically by long name with the short # options immediately following their corresponding long form. # This order should be applied to lists, alternatives and code blocks. __docker_previous_extglob_setting=$(shopt -p extglob) shopt -s extglob __docker_q() { docker ${host:+-H "$host"} ${config:+--config "$config"} 2>/dev/null "$@" } __docker_complete_containers_all() { local IFS=$'\n' local containers=( $(__docker_q ps -aq --no-trunc) ) if [ "$1" ]; then containers=( $(__docker_q inspect --format "{{if $1}}{{.Id}}{{end}}" "${containers[@]}") ) fi local names=( $(__docker_q inspect --format '{{.Name}}' "${containers[@]}") ) names=( "${names[@]#/}" ) # trim off the leading "/" from the container names unset IFS COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${names[*]} ${containers[*]}" -- "$cur") ) } __docker_complete_containers_running() { __docker_complete_containers_all '.State.Running' } __docker_complete_containers_stopped() { __docker_complete_containers_all 'not .State.Running' } __docker_complete_containers_pauseable() { __docker_complete_containers_all 'and .State.Running (not .State.Paused)' } __docker_complete_containers_unpauseable() { __docker_complete_containers_all '.State.Paused' } __docker_complete_container_names() { local containers=( $(__docker_q ps -aq --no-trunc) ) local names=( $(__docker_q inspect --format '{{.Name}}' "${containers[@]}") ) names=( "${names[@]#/}" ) # trim off the leading "/" from the container names COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${names[*]}" -- "$cur") ) } __docker_complete_container_ids() { local containers=( $(__docker_q ps -aq) ) COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${containers[*]}" -- "$cur") ) } __docker_complete_images() { local images_args="" case "$DOCKER_COMPLETION_SHOW_IMAGE_IDS" in all) images_args="--no-trunc -a" ;; non-intermediate) images_args="--no-trunc" ;; esac local repo_print_command if [ "${DOCKER_COMPLETION_SHOW_TAGS:-yes}" = "yes" ]; then repo_print_command='print $1; print $1":"$2' else repo_print_command='print $1' fi local awk_script case "$DOCKER_COMPLETION_SHOW_IMAGE_IDS" in all|non-intermediate) awk_script='NR>1 { print $3; if ($1 != "") { '"$repo_print_command"' } }' ;; none|*) awk_script='NR>1 && $1 != "" { '"$repo_print_command"' }' ;; esac local images=$(__docker_q images $images_args | awk "$awk_script") COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$images" -- "$cur") ) __ltrim_colon_completions "$cur" } __docker_complete_image_repos() { local repos="$(__docker_q images | awk 'NR>1 && $1 != "" { print $1 }')" COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$repos" -- "$cur") ) } __docker_complete_image_repos_and_tags() { local reposAndTags="$(__docker_q images | awk 'NR>1 && $1 != "" { print $1; print $1":"$2 }')" COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$reposAndTags" -- "$cur") ) __ltrim_colon_completions "$cur" } __docker_complete_containers_and_images() { __docker_complete_containers_all local containers=( "${COMPREPLY[@]}" ) __docker_complete_images COMPREPLY+=( "${containers[@]}" ) } # Returns the names and optionally IDs of networks. # The selection can be narrowed by an optional filter parameter, e.g. 'type=custom' __docker_networks() { local filter="$1" # By default, only network names are completed. # Set DOCKER_COMPLETION_SHOW_NETWORK_IDS=yes to also complete network IDs. local fields='$2' [ "${DOCKER_COMPLETION_SHOW_NETWORK_IDS}" = yes ] && fields='$1,$2' __docker_q network ls --no-trunc ${filter:+-f "$filter"} | awk "NR>1 {print $fields}" #__docker_q network ls --no-trunc | awk "NR>1 {print $fields}" } __docker_complete_networks() { COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$(__docker_networks $@)" -- "$cur") ) } __docker_complete_network_ids() { COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$(__docker_q network ls -q --no-trunc)" -- "$cur") ) } __docker_complete_network_names() { COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$(__docker_q network ls | awk 'NR>1 {print $2}')" -- "$cur") ) } __docker_complete_containers_in_network() { local containers=$(__docker_q network inspect -f '{{range $i, $c := .Containers}}{{$i}} {{$c.Name}} {{end}}' "$1") COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$containers" -- "$cur") ) } __docker_complete_volumes() { COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$(__docker_q volume ls -q)" -- "$cur") ) } __docker_plugins() { __docker_q info | sed -n "/^Plugins/,/^[^ ]/s/ $1: //p" } __docker_complete_plugins() { COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$(__docker_plugins $1)" -- "$cur") ) } # Finds the position of the first word that is neither option nor an option's argument. # If there are options that require arguments, you should pass a glob describing those # options, e.g. "--option1|-o|--option2" # Use this function to restrict completions to exact positions after the argument list. __docker_pos_first_nonflag() { local argument_flags=$1 local counter=$((${subcommand_pos:-${command_pos}} + 1)) while [ $counter -le $cword ]; do if [ -n "$argument_flags" ] && eval "case '${words[$counter]}' in $argument_flags) true ;; *) false ;; esac"; then (( counter++ )) # eat "=" in case of --option=arg syntax [ "${words[$counter]}" = "=" ] && (( counter++ )) else case "${words[$counter]}" in -*) ;; *) break ;; esac fi # Bash splits words at "=", retaining "=" as a word, examples: # "--debug=false" => 3 words, "--log-opt syslog-facility=daemon" => 4 words while [ "${words[$counter + 1]}" = "=" ] ; do counter=$(( counter + 2)) done (( counter++ )) done echo $counter } # If we are currently completing the value of a map option (key=value) # which matches the extglob given as an argument, returns key. # This function is needed for key-specific completions. __docker_map_key_of_current_option() { local glob="$1" local key glob_pos if [ "$cur" = "=" ] ; then # key= case key="$prev" glob_pos=$((cword - 2)) elif [[ $cur == *=* ]] ; then # key=value case (OSX) key=${cur%=*} glob_pos=$((cword - 1)) elif [ "$prev" = "=" ] ; then key=${words[$cword - 2]} # key=value case glob_pos=$((cword - 3)) else return fi [ "${words[$glob_pos]}" = "=" ] && ((glob_pos--)) # --option=key=value syntax [[ ${words[$glob_pos]} == @($glob) ]] && echo "$key" } # Returns the value of the first option matching option_glob. # Valid values for option_glob are option names like '--log-level' and # globs like '--log-level|-l' # Only positions between the command and the current word are considered. __docker_value_of_option() { local option_extglob=$(__docker_to_extglob "$1") local counter=$((command_pos + 1)) while [ $counter -lt $cword ]; do case ${words[$counter]} in $option_extglob ) echo ${words[$counter + 1]} break ;; esac (( counter++ )) done } # Transforms a multiline list of strings into a single line string # with the words separated by "|". # This is used to prepare arguments to __docker_pos_first_nonflag(). __docker_to_alternatives() { local parts=( $1 ) local IFS='|' echo "${parts[*]}" } # Transforms a multiline list of options into an extglob pattern # suitable for use in case statements. __docker_to_extglob() { local extglob=$( __docker_to_alternatives "$1" ) echo "@($extglob)" } # Subcommand processing. # Locates the first occurrence of any of the subcommands contained in the # first argument. In case of a match, calls the corresponding completion # function and returns 0. # If no match is found, 1 is returned. The calling function can then # continue processing its completion. # # TODO if the preceding command has options that accept arguments and an # argument is equal ot one of the subcommands, this is falsely detected as # a match. __docker_subcommands() { local subcommands="$1" local counter=$(($command_pos + 1)) while [ $counter -lt $cword ]; do case "${words[$counter]}" in $(__docker_to_extglob "$subcommands") ) subcommand_pos=$counter local subcommand=${words[$counter]} local completions_func=_docker_${command}_${subcommand} declare -F $completions_func >/dev/null && $completions_func return 0 ;; esac (( counter++ )) done return 1 } # suppress trailing whitespace __docker_nospace() { # compopt is not available in ancient bash versions type compopt &>/dev/null && compopt -o nospace } __docker_complete_resolved_hostname() { command -v host >/dev/null 2>&1 || return COMPREPLY=( $(host 2>/dev/null "${cur%:}" | awk '/has address/ {print $4}') ) } __docker_complete_capabilities() { # The list of capabilities is defined in types.go, ALL was added manually. COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W " ALL AUDIT_CONTROL AUDIT_WRITE AUDIT_READ BLOCK_SUSPEND CHOWN DAC_OVERRIDE DAC_READ_SEARCH FOWNER FSETID IPC_LOCK IPC_OWNER KILL LEASE LINUX_IMMUTABLE MAC_ADMIN MAC_OVERRIDE MKNOD NET_ADMIN NET_BIND_SERVICE NET_BROADCAST NET_RAW SETFCAP SETGID SETPCAP SETUID SYS_ADMIN SYS_BOOT SYS_CHROOT SYSLOG SYS_MODULE SYS_NICE SYS_PACCT SYS_PTRACE SYS_RAWIO SYS_RESOURCE SYS_TIME SYS_TTY_CONFIG WAKE_ALARM " -- "$cur" ) ) } __docker_complete_detach-keys() { case "$prev" in --detach-keys) case "$cur" in *,) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${cur}ctrl-" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "ctrl-" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; esac __docker_nospace return ;; esac return 1 } __docker_complete_isolation() { COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "default hyperv process" -- "$cur" ) ) } __docker_complete_log_drivers() { COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W " awslogs etwlogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file none splunk syslog " -- "$cur" ) ) } __docker_complete_log_options() { # see docs/reference/logging/index.md local awslogs_options="awslogs-region awslogs-group awslogs-stream" local fluentd_options="env fluentd-address labels tag" local gcplogs_options="env gcp-log-cmd gcp-project labels" local gelf_options="env gelf-address gelf-compression-level gelf-compression-type labels tag" local journald_options="env labels tag" local json_file_options="env labels max-file max-size" local syslog_options="syslog-address syslog-tls-ca-cert syslog-tls-cert syslog-tls-key syslog-tls-skip-verify syslog-facility tag" local splunk_options="env labels splunk-caname splunk-capath splunk-index splunk-insecureskipverify splunk-source splunk-sourcetype splunk-token splunk-url tag" local all_options="$fluentd_options $gcplogs_options $gelf_options $journald_options $json_file_options $syslog_options $splunk_options" case $(__docker_value_of_option --log-driver) in '') COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$all_options" -S = -- "$cur" ) ) ;; awslogs) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$awslogs_options" -S = -- "$cur" ) ) ;; fluentd) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$fluentd_options" -S = -- "$cur" ) ) ;; gcplogs) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$gcplogs_options" -S = -- "$cur" ) ) ;; gelf) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$gelf_options" -S = -- "$cur" ) ) ;; journald) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$journald_options" -S = -- "$cur" ) ) ;; json-file) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$json_file_options" -S = -- "$cur" ) ) ;; syslog) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$syslog_options" -S = -- "$cur" ) ) ;; splunk) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$splunk_options" -S = -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) return ;; esac __docker_nospace } __docker_complete_log_driver_options() { local key=$(__docker_map_key_of_current_option '--log-opt') case "$key" in gelf-address) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "udp" -S "://" -- "${cur##*=}" ) ) __docker_nospace return ;; gelf-compression-level) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9" -- "${cur##*=}" ) ) return ;; gelf-compression-type) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "gzip none zlib" -- "${cur##*=}" ) ) return ;; syslog-address) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "tcp:// tcp+tls:// udp:// unix://" -- "${cur##*=}" ) ) __docker_nospace __ltrim_colon_completions "${cur}" return ;; syslog-facility) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W " auth authpriv cron daemon ftp kern local0 local1 local2 local3 local4 local5 local6 local7 lpr mail news syslog user uucp " -- "${cur##*=}" ) ) return ;; syslog-tls-@(ca-cert|cert|key)) _filedir return ;; syslog-tls-skip-verify) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "true" -- "${cur##*=}" ) ) return ;; splunk-url) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "http:// https://" -- "${cur##*=}" ) ) __docker_nospace __ltrim_colon_completions "${cur}" return ;; splunk-insecureskipverify) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "false true" -- "${cur##*=}" ) ) return ;; esac return 1 } __docker_complete_log_levels() { COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "debug info warn error fatal" -- "$cur" ) ) } __docker_complete_restart() { case "$prev" in --restart) case "$cur" in on-failure:*) ;; *) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "always no on-failure on-failure: unless-stopped" -- "$cur") ) ;; esac return ;; esac return 1 } # a selection of the available signals that is most likely of interest in the # context of docker containers. __docker_complete_signals() { local signals=( SIGCONT SIGHUP SIGINT SIGKILL SIGQUIT SIGSTOP SIGTERM SIGUSR1 SIGUSR2 ) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${signals[*]} ${signals[*]#SIG}" -- "$( echo $cur | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')" ) ) } __docker_complete_user_group() { if [[ $cur == *:* ]] ; then COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -g -- "${cur#*:}") ) else COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -u -S : -- "$cur") ) __docker_nospace fi } # global options that may appear after the docker command _docker_docker() { local boolean_options=" $global_boolean_options --help --version -v " case "$prev" in --config) _filedir -d return ;; --log-level|-l) __docker_complete_log_levels return ;; $(__docker_to_extglob "$global_options_with_args") ) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$boolean_options $global_options_with_args" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$( __docker_pos_first_nonflag $(__docker_to_extglob "$global_options_with_args") ) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${commands[*]} help" -- "$cur" ) ) fi ;; esac } _docker_attach() { __docker_complete_detach-keys && return case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--detach-keys --help --no-stdin --sig-proxy" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag '--detach-keys') if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_containers_running fi ;; esac } _docker_build() { local options_with_args=" --build-arg --cgroup-parent --cpuset-cpus --cpuset-mems --cpu-shares --cpu-period --cpu-quota --file -f --isolation --memory -m --memory-swap --shm-size --tag -t --ulimit " local boolean_options=" --disable-content-trust=false --force-rm --help --no-cache --pull --quiet -q --rm " local all_options="$options_with_args $boolean_options" case "$prev" in --build-arg) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -e -- "$cur" ) ) __docker_nospace return ;; --file|-f) _filedir return ;; --isolation) __docker_complete_isolation return ;; --tag|-t) __docker_complete_image_repos_and_tags return ;; $(__docker_to_extglob "$options_with_args") ) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$all_options" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$( __docker_pos_first_nonflag $( __docker_to_alternatives "$options_with_args" ) ) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then _filedir -d fi ;; esac } _docker_commit() { case "$prev" in --author|-a|--change|-c|--message|-m) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--author -a --change -c --help --message -m --pause -p" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag '--author|-a|--change|-c|--message|-m') if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_containers_all return fi (( counter++ )) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_image_repos_and_tags return fi ;; esac } _docker_cp() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--follow-link -L --help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then case "$cur" in *:) return ;; *) # combined container and filename completion _filedir local files=( ${COMPREPLY[@]} ) __docker_complete_containers_all COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${COMPREPLY[*]}" -S ':' ) ) local containers=( ${COMPREPLY[@]} ) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${files[*]} ${containers[*]}" -- "$cur" ) ) if [[ "$COMPREPLY" == *: ]]; then __docker_nospace fi return ;; esac fi (( counter++ )) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then if [ -e "$prev" ]; then __docker_complete_containers_all COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${COMPREPLY[*]}" -S ':' ) ) __docker_nospace else _filedir fi return fi ;; esac } _docker_create() { _docker_run } _docker_daemon() { local boolean_options=" $global_boolean_options --disable-legacy-registry --help --icc=false --ip-forward=false --ip-masq=false --iptables=false --ipv6 --raw-logs --selinux-enabled --userland-proxy=false " local options_with_args=" $global_options_with_args --api-cors-header --authorization-plugin --bip --bridge -b --cgroup-parent --cluster-advertise --cluster-store --cluster-store-opt --default-gateway --default-gateway-v6 --default-ulimit --dns --dns-search --dns-opt --exec-opt --exec-root --fixed-cidr --fixed-cidr-v6 --graph -g --group -G --insecure-registry --ip --label --log-driver --log-opt --mtu --pidfile -p --registry-mirror --storage-driver -s --storage-opt --userns-remap " __docker_complete_log_driver_options && return key=$(__docker_map_key_of_current_option '--cluster-store-opt') case "$key" in kv.*file) cur=${cur##*=} _filedir return ;; esac local key=$(__docker_map_key_of_current_option '--storage-opt') case "$key" in dm.@(blkdiscard|override_udev_sync_check|use_deferred_@(removal|deletion))) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "false true" -- "${cur##*=}" ) ) return ;; dm.fs) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "ext4 xfs" -- "${cur##*=}" ) ) return ;; dm.thinpooldev) cur=${cur##*=} _filedir return ;; esac case "$prev" in --authorization-plugin) __docker_complete_plugins Authorization return ;; --cluster-store) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "consul etcd zk" -S "://" -- "$cur" ) ) __docker_nospace return ;; --cluster-store-opt) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "discovery.heartbeat discovery.ttl kv.cacertfile kv.certfile kv.keyfile kv.path" -S = -- "$cur" ) ) __docker_nospace return ;; --exec-root|--graph|-g) _filedir -d return ;; --log-driver) __docker_complete_log_drivers return ;; --pidfile|-p|--tlscacert|--tlscert|--tlskey) _filedir return ;; --storage-driver|-s) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "aufs btrfs devicemapper overlay vfs zfs" -- "$(echo $cur | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" ) ) return ;; --storage-opt) local devicemapper_options=" dm.basesize dm.blkdiscard dm.blocksize dm.fs dm.loopdatasize dm.loopmetadatasize dm.mkfsarg dm.mountopt dm.override_udev_sync_check dm.thinpooldev dm.use_deferred_deletion dm.use_deferred_removal " local zfs_options="zfs.fsname" case $(__docker_value_of_option '--storage-driver|-s') in '') COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$devicemapper_options $zfs_options" -S = -- "$cur" ) ) ;; devicemapper) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$devicemapper_options" -S = -- "$cur" ) ) ;; zfs) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$zfs_options" -S = -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) return ;; esac __docker_nospace return ;; --log-level|-l) __docker_complete_log_levels return ;; --log-opt) __docker_complete_log_options return ;; --userns-remap) __docker_complete_user_group return ;; $(__docker_to_extglob "$options_with_args") ) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$boolean_options $options_with_args" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; esac } _docker_diff() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_containers_all fi ;; esac } _docker_events() { local key=$(__docker_map_key_of_current_option '-f|--filter') case "$key" in container) cur="${cur##*=}" __docker_complete_containers_all return ;; event) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W " attach commit connect copy create delete destroy die disconnect exec_create exec_start export import kill mount oom pause pull push rename resize restart start stop tag top unmount unpause untag update " -- "${cur##*=}" ) ) return ;; image) cur="${cur##*=}" __docker_complete_images return ;; network) cur="${cur##*=}" __docker_complete_networks return ;; type) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "container image network volume" -- "${cur##*=}" ) ) return ;; volume) cur="${cur##*=}" __docker_complete_volumes return ;; esac case "$prev" in --filter|-f) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -S = -W "container event image label network type volume" -- "$cur" ) ) __docker_nospace return ;; --since|--until) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--filter -f --help --since --until" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; esac } _docker_exec() { __docker_complete_detach-keys && return case "$prev" in --user|-u) __docker_complete_user_group return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--detach -d --detach-keys --help --interactive -i --privileged -t --tty -u --user" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) __docker_complete_containers_running ;; esac } _docker_export() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_containers_all fi ;; esac } _docker_help() { local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${commands[*]}" -- "$cur" ) ) fi } _docker_history() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help --no-trunc --quiet -q" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_images fi ;; esac } _docker_images() { local key=$(__docker_map_key_of_current_option '--filter|-f') case "$key" in dangling) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "false true" -- "${cur##*=}" ) ) return ;; label) return ;; esac case "$prev" in --filter|-f) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -S = -W "dangling label" -- "$cur" ) ) __docker_nospace return ;; --format) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--all -a --digests --filter -f --format --help --no-trunc --quiet -q" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; =) return ;; *) __docker_complete_image_repos ;; esac } _docker_import() { case "$prev" in --change|-c|--message|-m) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--change -c --help --message -m" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag '--change|-c|--message|-m') if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then return fi (( counter++ )) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_image_repos_and_tags return fi ;; esac } _docker_info() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; esac } _docker_inspect() { case "$prev" in --format|-f) return ;; --type) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "image container" -- "$cur" ) ) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--format -f --help --size -s --type" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) case $(__docker_value_of_option --type) in '') __docker_complete_containers_and_images ;; container) __docker_complete_containers_all ;; image) __docker_complete_images ;; esac esac } _docker_kill() { case "$prev" in --signal|-s) __docker_complete_signals return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help --signal -s" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) __docker_complete_containers_running ;; esac } _docker_load() { case "$prev" in --input|-i) _filedir return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help --input -i --quiet -q" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; esac } _docker_login() { case "$prev" in --password|-p|--username|-u) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help --password -p --username -u" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; esac } _docker_logout() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; esac } _docker_logs() { case "$prev" in --since|--tail) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--follow -f --help --since --tail --timestamps -t" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag '--tail') if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_containers_all fi ;; esac } _docker_network_connect() { local options_with_args=" --alias --ip --ip6 --link " local boolean_options=" --help " case "$prev" in --link) case "$cur" in *:*) ;; *) __docker_complete_containers_running COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${COMPREPLY[*]}" -S ':' ) ) __docker_nospace ;; esac return ;; $(__docker_to_extglob "$options_with_args") ) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$boolean_options $options_with_args" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$( __docker_pos_first_nonflag $( __docker_to_alternatives "$options_with_args" ) ) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_networks elif [ $cword -eq $(($counter + 1)) ]; then __docker_complete_containers_all fi ;; esac } _docker_network_create() { case "$prev" in --aux-address|--gateway|--internal|--ip-range|--ipam-opt|--ipv6|--opt|-o|--subnet) return ;; --ipam-driver) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "default" -- "$cur" ) ) return ;; --driver|-d) local plugins=" $(__docker_plugins Network) " # remove drivers that allow one instance only plugins=${plugins/ host / } plugins=${plugins/ null / } COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$plugins" -- "$cur") ) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--aux-address --driver -d --gateway --help --internal --ip-range --ipam-driver --ipam-opt --ipv6 --opt -o --subnet" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; esac } _docker_network_disconnect() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_networks elif [ $cword -eq $(($counter + 1)) ]; then __docker_complete_containers_in_network "$prev" fi ;; esac } _docker_network_inspect() { case "$prev" in --format|-f) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--format -f --help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) __docker_complete_networks esac } _docker_network_ls() { local key=$(__docker_map_key_of_current_option '--filter|-f') case "$key" in id) cur="${cur##*=}" __docker_complete_network_ids return ;; name) cur="${cur##*=}" __docker_complete_network_names return ;; type) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "builtin custom" -- "${cur##*=}" ) ) return ;; esac case "$prev" in --filter|-f) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -S = -W "id name type" -- "$cur" ) ) __docker_nospace return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--filter -f --help --no-trunc --quiet -q" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; esac } _docker_network_rm() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) __docker_complete_networks type=custom esac } _docker_network() { local subcommands=" connect create disconnect inspect ls rm " __docker_subcommands "$subcommands" && return case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$subcommands" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; esac } _docker_pause() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_containers_pauseable fi ;; esac } _docker_port() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_containers_all fi ;; esac } _docker_ps() { local key=$(__docker_map_key_of_current_option '--filter|-f') case "$key" in ancestor) cur="${cur##*=}" __docker_complete_images return ;; id) cur="${cur##*=}" __docker_complete_container_ids return ;; name) cur="${cur##*=}" __docker_complete_container_names return ;; status) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "created dead exited paused restarting running" -- "${cur##*=}" ) ) return ;; volume) cur="${cur##*=}" __docker_complete_volumes return ;; esac case "$prev" in --before|--since) __docker_complete_containers_all ;; --filter|-f) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -S = -W "ancestor exited id label name status volume" -- "$cur" ) ) __docker_nospace return ;; --format|-n) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--all -a --before --filter -f --format --help --latest -l -n --no-trunc --quiet -q --size -s --since" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; esac } _docker_pull() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--all-tags -a --disable-content-trust=false --help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then for arg in "${COMP_WORDS[@]}"; do case "$arg" in --all-tags|-a) __docker_complete_image_repos return ;; esac done __docker_complete_image_repos_and_tags fi ;; esac } _docker_push() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--disable-content-trust=false --help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_image_repos_and_tags fi ;; esac } _docker_rename() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_containers_all fi ;; esac } _docker_restart() { case "$prev" in --time|-t) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help --time -t" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) __docker_complete_containers_all ;; esac } _docker_rm() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--force -f --help --link -l --volumes -v" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) for arg in "${COMP_WORDS[@]}"; do case "$arg" in --force|-f) __docker_complete_containers_all return ;; esac done __docker_complete_containers_stopped ;; esac } _docker_rmi() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--force -f --help --no-prune" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) __docker_complete_images ;; esac } _docker_run() { local options_with_args=" --add-host --attach -a --blkio-weight --blkio-weight-device --cap-add --cap-drop --cgroup-parent --cidfile --cpu-period --cpu-quota --cpuset-cpus --cpuset-mems --cpu-shares --device --device-read-bps --device-read-iops --device-write-bps --device-write-iops --dns --dns-opt --dns-search --entrypoint --env -e --env-file --expose --group-add --hostname -h --ip --ip6 --ipc --isolation --kernel-memory --label-file --label -l --link --log-driver --log-opt --mac-address --memory -m --memory-swap --memory-swappiness --memory-reservation --name --net --net-alias --oom-score-adj --pid --pids-limit --publish -p --restart --security-opt --shm-size --stop-signal --tmpfs --ulimit --user -u --uts --volume-driver --volumes-from --volume -v --workdir -w " local boolean_options=" --disable-content-trust=false --help --interactive -i --oom-kill-disable --privileged --publish-all -P --read-only --tty -t " if [ "$command" = "run" ] ; then options_with_args="$options_with_args --detach-keys " boolean_options="$boolean_options --detach -d --rm --sig-proxy=false " __docker_complete_detach-keys && return fi local all_options="$options_with_args $boolean_options" __docker_complete_log_driver_options && return __docker_complete_restart && return case "$prev" in --add-host) case "$cur" in *:) __docker_complete_resolved_hostname return ;; esac ;; --attach|-a) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'stdin stdout stderr' -- "$cur" ) ) return ;; --cap-add|--cap-drop) __docker_complete_capabilities return ;; --cidfile|--env-file|--label-file) _filedir return ;; --device|--tmpfs|--volume|-v) case "$cur" in *:*) # TODO somehow do _filedir for stuff inside the image, if it's already specified (which is also somewhat difficult to determine) ;; '') COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W '/' -- "$cur" ) ) __docker_nospace ;; /*) _filedir __docker_nospace ;; esac return ;; --env|-e) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -e -- "$cur" ) ) __docker_nospace return ;; --ipc) case "$cur" in *:*) cur="${cur#*:}" __docker_complete_containers_running ;; *) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W 'host container:' -- "$cur" ) ) if [ "$COMPREPLY" = "container:" ]; then __docker_nospace fi ;; esac return ;; --isolation) __docker_complete_isolation return ;; --link) case "$cur" in *:*) ;; *) __docker_complete_containers_running COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "${COMPREPLY[*]}" -S ':' ) ) __docker_nospace ;; esac return ;; --log-driver) __docker_complete_log_drivers return ;; --log-opt) __docker_complete_log_options return ;; --net) case "$cur" in container:*) local cur=${cur#*:} __docker_complete_containers_all ;; *) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$(__docker_plugins Network) $(__docker_networks) container:" -- "$cur") ) if [ "${COMPREPLY[*]}" = "container:" ] ; then __docker_nospace fi ;; esac return ;; --security-opt) case "$cur" in label=*:*) ;; label=*) local cur=${cur##*=} COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "user: role: type: level: disable" -- "$cur") ) if [ "${COMPREPLY[*]}" != "disable" ] ; then __docker_nospace fi ;; seccomp=*) local cur=${cur##*=} _filedir COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "unconfined" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "label apparmor seccomp" -S ":" -- "$cur") ) __docker_nospace ;; esac return ;; --user|-u) __docker_complete_user_group return ;; --volume-driver) __docker_complete_plugins Volume return ;; --volumes-from) __docker_complete_containers_all return ;; $(__docker_to_extglob "$options_with_args") ) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$all_options" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$( __docker_pos_first_nonflag $( __docker_to_alternatives "$options_with_args" ) ) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_images fi ;; esac } _docker_save() { case "$prev" in --output|-o) _filedir return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help --output -o" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) __docker_complete_images ;; esac } _docker_search() { case "$prev" in --stars|-s) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--automated --help --no-trunc --stars -s" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; esac } _docker_start() { __docker_complete_detach-keys && return case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--attach -a --detach-keys --help --interactive -i" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) __docker_complete_containers_stopped ;; esac } _docker_stats() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--all -a --help --no-stream" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) __docker_complete_containers_running ;; esac } _docker_stop() { case "$prev" in --time|-t) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help --time -t" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) __docker_complete_containers_running ;; esac } _docker_tag() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_image_repos_and_tags return fi (( counter++ )) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_image_repos_and_tags return fi ;; esac } _docker_unpause() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_containers_unpauseable fi ;; esac } _docker_update() { local options_with_args=" --blkio-weight --cpu-period --cpu-quota --cpuset-cpus --cpuset-mems --cpu-shares --kernel-memory --memory -m --memory-reservation --memory-swap --restart " local boolean_options=" --help " local all_options="$options_with_args $boolean_options" __docker_complete_restart && return case "$prev" in $(__docker_to_extglob "$options_with_args") ) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$all_options" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) __docker_complete_containers_all ;; esac } _docker_top() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) local counter=$(__docker_pos_first_nonflag) if [ $cword -eq $counter ]; then __docker_complete_containers_running fi ;; esac } _docker_version() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; esac } _docker_volume_create() { case "$prev" in --driver|-d) __docker_complete_plugins Volume return ;; --name|--opt|-o) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--driver -d --help --name --opt -o" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; esac } _docker_volume_inspect() { case "$prev" in --format|-f) return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--format -f --help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) __docker_complete_volumes ;; esac } _docker_volume_ls() { local key=$(__docker_map_key_of_current_option '--filter|-f') case "$key" in dangling) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "true false" -- "${cur##*=}" ) ) return ;; esac case "$prev" in --filter|-f) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -S = -W "dangling" -- "$cur" ) ) __docker_nospace return ;; esac case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--filter -f --help --quiet -q" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; esac } _docker_volume_rm() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) __docker_complete_volumes ;; esac } _docker_volume() { local subcommands=" create inspect ls rm " __docker_subcommands "$subcommands" && return case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$subcommands" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; esac } _docker_wait() { case "$cur" in -*) COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "--help" -- "$cur" ) ) ;; *) __docker_complete_containers_all ;; esac } _docker() { local previous_extglob_setting=$(shopt -p extglob) shopt -s extglob local commands=( attach build commit cp create daemon diff events exec export history images import info inspect kill load login logout logs network pause port ps pull push rename restart rm rmi run save search start stats stop tag top unpause update version volume wait ) # These options are valid as global options for all client commands # and valid as command options for `docker daemon` local global_boolean_options=" --debug -D --tls --tlsverify " local global_options_with_args=" --config --host -H --log-level -l --tlscacert --tlscert --tlskey " local host config COMPREPLY=() local cur prev words cword _get_comp_words_by_ref -n : cur prev words cword local command='docker' command_pos=0 subcommand_pos local counter=1 while [ $counter -lt $cword ]; do case "${words[$counter]}" in # save host so that completion can use custom daemon --host|-H) (( counter++ )) host="${words[$counter]}" ;; # save config so that completion can use custom configuration directories --config) (( counter++ )) config="${words[$counter]}" ;; $(__docker_to_extglob "$global_options_with_args") ) (( counter++ )) ;; -*) ;; =) (( counter++ )) ;; *) command="${words[$counter]}" command_pos=$counter break ;; esac (( counter++ )) done local completions_func=_docker_${command} declare -F $completions_func >/dev/null && $completions_func eval "$previous_extglob_setting" return 0 } eval "$__docker_previous_extglob_setting" unset __docker_previous_extglob_setting complete -F _docker docker