syntax = "proto3"; package docker.swarmkit.v1; import ""; import ""; import ""; import weak "gogoproto/gogo.proto"; import weak ""; // Raft defines the RPC communication between raft nodes. service Raft { // ProcessRaftMessage sends a raft message to be processed on a raft member, it is // called from the RaftMember willing to send a message to its destination ('To' field) rpc ProcessRaftMessage(ProcessRaftMessageRequest) returns (ProcessRaftMessageResponse) { option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" }; }; // ResolveAddress returns the address where the node with the given ID can be reached. rpc ResolveAddress(ResolveAddressRequest) returns (ResolveAddressResponse) { option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" }; }; } // RaftMembership defines RPCs for adding and removing members from the // cluster. These RPCs must always run on the leader, so they are in a separate // service to support the raft proxy. service RaftMembership { // Join adds a RaftMember to the raft cluster. rpc Join(JoinRequest) returns (JoinResponse) { option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" }; }; // Leave removes a RaftMember from the raft cluster. rpc Leave(LeaveRequest) returns (LeaveResponse) { option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" }; }; } message RaftMember { // RaftID specifies the internal ID used by the manager in a raft context, it can never be modified // and is used only for information purposes uint64 raft_id = 1; // NodeID is the node's ID. string node_id = 2; // Addr specifies the address of the member string addr = 3; // Status provides the current status of the manager from the perspective of another manager. RaftMemberStatus status = 4 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false]; } message JoinRequest { // Addr specifies the address of the member string addr = 1; } message JoinResponse { // RaftID is the ID assigned to the new member. uint64 raft_id = 1; // Members is the membership set of the cluster. repeated RaftMember members = 2; // RemovedMembers is a list of members that have been removed from // the cluster, so the new node can avoid communicating with them. repeated uint64 removed_members = 3 [packed=false]; } message LeaveRequest { RaftMember node = 1; } message LeaveResponse {} message ProcessRaftMessageRequest { option (docker.protobuf.plugin.deepcopy) = false; raftpb.Message message = 1; } message ProcessRaftMessageResponse {} message ResolveAddressRequest { // raft_id is the ID to resolve to an address. uint64 raft_id = 1; } message ResolveAddressResponse { // Addr specifies the address of the member string addr = 1; } // Contains one of many protobuf encoded objects to replicate // over the raft backend with a request ID to track when the // action is effectively applied message InternalRaftRequest { uint64 id = 1; repeated StoreAction action = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false]; } // TODO(stevvooe): Storage actions may belong in another protobuf file. They // aren't necessarily first-class "types" in the cluster schema. // StoreActionKind defines the operation to take on the store for the target of // a storage action. enum StoreActionKind { option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix) = false; option (gogoproto.enum_customname) = "StoreActionKind"; UNKNOWN = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "StoreActionKindUnknown"]; // default value, invalid STORE_ACTION_CREATE = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "StoreActionKindCreate"]; STORE_ACTION_UPDATE = 2 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "StoreActionKindUpdate"]; STORE_ACTION_REMOVE = 3 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "StoreActionKindRemove"]; } // StoreAction defines a target and operation to apply on the storage system. message StoreAction { StoreActionKind action = 1; oneof target { Node node = 2; Service service = 3; Task task = 4; Network network = 5; Cluster cluster = 6; Secret secret = 7; Resource resource = 8; Extension extension = 9; Config config = 10; } }