# # github.com/docker/cli # # Makefile for developing using Docker # # Overridable env vars DOCKER_CLI_MOUNTS ?= -v "$(CURDIR)":/go/src/github.com/docker/cli DOCKER_CLI_CONTAINER_NAME ?= DOCKER_CLI_GO_BUILD_CACHE ?= y # Sets the name of the company that produced the windows binary. PACKAGER_NAME ?= DEV_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME = docker-cli-dev$(IMAGE_TAG) E2E_IMAGE_NAME = docker-cli-e2e E2E_ENGINE_VERSION ?= CACHE_VOLUME_NAME := docker-cli-dev-cache ifeq ($(DOCKER_CLI_GO_BUILD_CACHE),y) DOCKER_CLI_MOUNTS += -v "$(CACHE_VOLUME_NAME):/root/.cache/go-build" endif VERSION = $(shell cat VERSION) ENVVARS = -e VERSION=$(VERSION) -e GITCOMMIT -e PLATFORM -e TESTFLAGS -e TESTDIRS -e GOOS -e GOARCH -e GOARM -e TEST_ENGINE_VERSION=$(E2E_ENGINE_VERSION) # Some Dockerfiles use features that are only supported with BuildKit enabled export DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 # build docker image (dockerfiles/Dockerfile.build) .PHONY: build_docker_image build_docker_image: # build dockerfile from stdin so that we don't send the build-context; source is bind-mounted in the development environment cat ./dockerfiles/Dockerfile.dev | docker build ${DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS} --build-arg=GO_VERSION -t $(DEV_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) - DOCKER_RUN_NAME_OPTION := $(if $(DOCKER_CLI_CONTAINER_NAME),--name $(DOCKER_CLI_CONTAINER_NAME),) DOCKER_RUN := docker run --rm $(ENVVARS) $(DOCKER_CLI_MOUNTS) $(DOCKER_RUN_NAME_OPTION) .PHONY: binary binary: PACKAGER_NAME=$(PACKAGER_NAME) docker buildx bake binary build: binary ## alias for binary plugins: ## build the CLI plugin examples docker buildx bake plugins plugins-cross: ## build the CLI plugin examples for all platforms docker buildx bake plugins-cross .PHONY: clean clean: build_docker_image ## clean build artifacts $(DOCKER_RUN) $(DEV_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) make clean docker volume rm -f $(CACHE_VOLUME_NAME) .PHONY: cross cross: PACKAGER_NAME=$(PACKAGER_NAME) docker buildx bake cross .PHONY: dynbinary dynbinary: ## build dynamically linked binary USE_GLIBC=1 PACKAGER_NAME=$(PACKAGER_NAME) docker buildx bake dynbinary .PHONY: dev dev: build_docker_image ## start a build container in interactive mode for in-container development $(DOCKER_RUN) -it \ --mount type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock \ $(DEV_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) shell: dev ## alias for dev .PHONY: lint lint: ## run linters docker buildx bake lint .PHONY: shellcheck shellcheck: ## run shellcheck validation docker buildx bake shellcheck .PHONY: fmt fmt: ## run gofmt $(DOCKER_RUN) $(DEV_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) make fmt .PHONY: vendor vendor: ## update vendor with go modules $(eval $@_TMP_OUT := $(shell mktemp -d -t dockercli-output.XXXXXXXXXX)) docker buildx bake --set "*.output=$($@_TMP_OUT)" update-vendor rm -rf ./vendor cp -R "$($@_TMP_OUT)"/out/* . rm -rf $($@_TMP_OUT)/* .PHONY: validate-vendor validate-vendor: ## validate vendor docker buildx bake validate-vendor .PHONY: mod-outdated mod-outdated: ## check outdated dependencies docker buildx bake mod-outdated .PHONY: authors authors: ## generate AUTHORS file from git history docker buildx bake update-authors .PHONY: manpages manpages: build_docker_image ## generate man pages from go source and markdown $(DOCKER_RUN) -it $(DEV_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) make manpages .PHONY: yamldocs yamldocs: build_docker_image ## generate documentation YAML files consumed by docs repo $(DOCKER_RUN) -it $(DEV_DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME) make yamldocs .PHONY: test ## run unit and e2e tests test: test-unit test-e2e .PHONY: test-unit test-unit: ## run unit tests docker buildx bake test .PHONY: test-coverage test-coverage: ## run test with coverage docker buildx bake test-coverage .PHONY: build-e2e-image build-e2e-image: mkdir -p $(CURDIR)/build/coverage IMAGE_NAME=$(E2E_IMAGE_NAME) VERSION=$(VERSION) docker buildx bake e2e-image .PHONY: test-e2e test-e2e: test-e2e-non-experimental test-e2e-experimental test-e2e-connhelper-ssh ## run all e2e tests .PHONY: test-e2e-experimental test-e2e-experimental: build-e2e-image # run experimental e2e tests docker run --rm $(ENVVARS) -e DOCKERD_EXPERIMENTAL=1 -e TEST_ENGINE_VERSION=$(E2E_ENGINE_VERSION) \ --mount type=bind,src=$(CURDIR)/build/coverage,dst=/tmp/coverage \ --mount type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock \ $(E2E_IMAGE_NAME) .PHONY: test-e2e-non-experimental test-e2e-non-experimental: build-e2e-image # run non-experimental e2e tests docker run --rm $(ENVVARS) -e TEST_ENGINE_VERSION=$(E2E_ENGINE_VERSION) \ --mount type=bind,src=$(CURDIR)/build/coverage,dst=/tmp/coverage \ --mount type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock \ $(E2E_IMAGE_NAME) .PHONY: test-e2e-connhelper-ssh test-e2e-connhelper-ssh: build-e2e-image # run experimental SSH-connection helper e2e tests docker run --rm $(ENVVARS) -e DOCKERD_EXPERIMENTAL=1 -e TEST_ENGINE_VERSION=$(E2E_ENGINE_VERSION) -e TEST_CONNHELPER=ssh \ --mount type=bind,src=$(CURDIR)/build/coverage,dst=/tmp/coverage \ --mount type=bind,src=/var/run/docker.sock,dst=/var/run/docker.sock \ $(E2E_IMAGE_NAME) .PHONY: help help: ## print this help @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?## / {gsub("\\\\n",sprintf("\n%22c",""), $$2);printf "\033[36m%-20s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)