syntax = "proto3"; // Package pb provides the protobuf definition of LLB: low-level builder instruction. // LLB is DAG-structured; Op represents a vertex, and Definition represents a graph. package pb; import ""; // Op represents a vertex of the LLB DAG. message Op { // inputs is a set of input edges. repeated Input inputs = 1; oneof op { ExecOp exec = 2; SourceOp source = 3; CopyOp copy = 4; BuildOp build = 5; } Platform platform = 10; WorkerConstraints constraints = 11; } // Platform is message Platform { string Architecture = 1; string OS = 2; string Variant = 3; string OSVersion = 4; // unused repeated string OSFeatures = 5; // unused } // Input represents an input edge for an Op. message Input { // digest of the marshaled input Op string digest = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false]; // output index of the input Op int64 index = 2 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "OutputIndex", (gogoproto.nullable) = false]; } // ExecOp executes a command in a container. message ExecOp { Meta meta = 1; repeated Mount mounts = 2; } // Meta is a set of arguments for ExecOp. // Meta is unrelated to LLB metadata. // FIXME: rename (ExecContext? ExecArgs?) message Meta { repeated string args = 1; repeated string env = 2; string cwd = 3; string user = 4; ProxyEnv proxy_env = 5; repeated HostIP extraHosts = 6; } // Mount specifies how to mount an input Op as a filesystem. message Mount { int64 input = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "InputIndex", (gogoproto.nullable) = false]; string selector = 2; string dest = 3; int64 output = 4 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "OutputIndex", (gogoproto.nullable) = false]; bool readonly = 5; MountType mountType = 6; CacheOpt cacheOpt = 20; SecretOpt secretOpt = 21; } // MountType defines a type of a mount from a supported set enum MountType { BIND = 0; SECRET = 1; SSH = 2; CACHE = 3; TMPFS = 4; } // CacheOpt defines options specific to cache mounts message CacheOpt { // ID is an optional namespace for the mount string ID = 1; // Sharing is the sharing mode for the mount CacheSharingOpt sharing = 2; } // CacheSharingOpt defines different sharing modes for cache mount enum CacheSharingOpt { // SHARED cache mount can be used concurrently by multiple writers SHARED = 0; // PRIVATE creates a new mount if there are multiple writers PRIVATE = 1; // LOCKED pauses second writer until first one releases the mount LOCKED = 2; } // SecretOpt defines options describing secret mounts message SecretOpt { // ID of secret. Used for quering the value. string ID = 1; // UID of secret file uint32 uid = 2; // GID of secret file uint32 gid = 3; // Mode is the filesystem mode of secret file uint32 mode = 4; // Optional defines if secret value is required. Error is produced // if value is not found and optional is false. bool optional = 5; } // CopyOp copies files across Ops. message CopyOp { repeated CopySource src = 1; string dest = 2; } // CopySource specifies a source for CopyOp. message CopySource { int64 input = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "InputIndex", (gogoproto.nullable) = false]; string selector = 2; } // SourceOp specifies a source such as build contexts and images. message SourceOp { // TODO: use source type or any type instead of URL protocol. // identifier e.g. local://, docker-image://, git://, https://... string identifier = 1; // attrs are defined in attr.go map attrs = 2; } // BuildOp is used for nested build invocation. // BuildOp is experimental and can break without backwards compatibility message BuildOp { int64 builder = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "InputIndex", (gogoproto.nullable) = false]; map inputs = 2; Definition def = 3; map attrs = 4; // outputs } // BuildInput is used for BuildOp. message BuildInput { int64 input = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "InputIndex", (gogoproto.nullable) = false]; } // OpMetadata is a per-vertex metadata entry, which can be defined for arbitrary Op vertex and overridable on the run time. message OpMetadata { // ignore_cache specifies to ignore the cache for this Op. bool ignore_cache = 1; // Description can be used for keeping any text fields that builder doesn't parse map description = 2; // index 3 reserved for WorkerConstraint in previous versions // WorkerConstraint worker_constraint = 3; ExportCache export_cache = 4; map caps = 5 [(gogoproto.castkey) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false]; } message ExportCache { bool Value = 1; } message ProxyEnv { string http_proxy = 1; string https_proxy = 2; string ftp_proxy = 3; string no_proxy = 4; } // WorkerConstraints defines conditions for the worker message WorkerConstraints { repeated string filter = 1; // containerd-style filter } // Definition is the LLB definition structure with per-vertex metadata entries message Definition { // def is a list of marshaled Op messages repeated bytes def = 1; // metadata contains metadata for the each of the Op messages. // A key must be an LLB op digest string. Currently, empty string is not expected as a key, but it may change in the future. map metadata = 2 [(gogoproto.castkey) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false]; } message HostIP { string Host = 1; string IP = 2; }