
189 lines
6.4 KiB
Protocol Buffer
Raw Normal View History

syntax = "proto3";
package docker.swarmkit.v1;
import "gogoproto/gogo.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "plugin/plugin.proto";
// LogStream defines the stream from which the log message came.
enum LogStream {
option (gogoproto.goproto_enum_prefix) = false;
option (gogoproto.enum_customname) = "LogStream";
LOG_STREAM_UNKNOWN = 0 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "LogStreamUnknown"];
LOG_STREAM_STDOUT = 1 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "LogStreamStdout"];
LOG_STREAM_STDERR = 2 [(gogoproto.enumvalue_customname) = "LogStreamStderr"];
message LogSubscriptionOptions {
// Streams defines which log streams should be sent from the task source.
// Empty means send all the messages.
repeated LogStream streams = 1 [packed=false];
// Follow instructs the publisher to continue sending log messages as they
// are produced, after satisfying the initial query.
bool follow = 2;
// Tail defines how many messages relative to the log stream to send when
// starting the stream.
// Positive values will skip that number of messages from the start of the
// stream before publishing.
// Negative values will specify messages relative to the end of the stream,
// offset by one. We can say that the last (-n-1) lines are returned when n
// < 0. As reference, -1 would mean send no log lines (typically used with
// follow), -2 would return the last log line, -11 would return the last 10
// and so on.
// The default value of zero will return all logs.
// Note that this is very different from the Docker API.
int64 tail = 3;
// Since indicates that only log messages produced after this timestamp
// should be sent.
// Note: can't use stdtime because this field is nullable.
google.protobuf.Timestamp since = 4;
// LogSelector will match logs from ANY of the defined parameters.
// For the best effect, the client should use the least specific parameter
// possible. For example, if they want to listen to all the tasks of a service,
// they should use the service id, rather than specifying the individual tasks.
message LogSelector {
repeated string service_ids = 1;
repeated string node_ids = 2;
repeated string task_ids = 3;
// LogContext marks the context from which a log message was generated.
message LogContext {
string service_id = 1;
string node_id = 2;
string task_id = 3;
// LogAttr is an extra key/value pair that may be have been set by users
message LogAttr {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
// LogMessage
message LogMessage {
// Context identifies the source of the log message.
LogContext context = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Timestamp is the time at which the message was generated.
// Note: can't use stdtime because this field is nullable.
google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 2;
// Stream identifies the stream of the log message, stdout or stderr.
LogStream stream = 3;
// Data is the raw log message, as generated by the application.
bytes data = 4;
// Attrs is a list of key value pairs representing additional log details
// that may have been returned from the logger
repeated LogAttr attrs = 5 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Logs defines the methods for retrieving task logs messages from a cluster.
service Logs {
// SubscribeLogs starts a subscription with the specified selector and options.
// The subscription will be distributed to relevant nodes and messages will
// be collected and sent via the returned stream.
// The subscription will end with an EOF.
rpc SubscribeLogs(SubscribeLogsRequest) returns (stream SubscribeLogsMessage) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = { roles: "swarm-manager" };
message SubscribeLogsRequest {
// LogSelector describes the logs to which the subscriber is
LogSelector selector = 1;
LogSubscriptionOptions options = 2;
message SubscribeLogsMessage {
repeated LogMessage messages = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// LogBroker defines the API used by the worker to send task logs back to a
// manager. A client listens for subscriptions then optimistically retrieves
// logs satisfying said subscriptions, calling PublishLogs for results that are
// relevant.
// The structure of ListenSubscriptions is similar to the Dispatcher API but
// decoupled to allow log distribution to work outside of the regular task
// flow.
service LogBroker {
// ListenSubscriptions starts a subscription stream for the node. For each
// message received, the node should attempt to satisfy the subscription.
// Log messages that match the provided subscription should be sent via
// PublishLogs.
rpc ListenSubscriptions(ListenSubscriptionsRequest) returns (stream SubscriptionMessage) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = {
roles: "swarm-worker"
roles: "swarm-manager"
// PublishLogs receives sets of log messages destined for a single
// subscription identifier.
rpc PublishLogs(stream PublishLogsMessage) returns (PublishLogsResponse) {
option (docker.protobuf.plugin.tls_authorization) = {
roles: "swarm-worker"
roles: "swarm-manager"
// ListenSubscriptionsRequest is a placeholder to begin listening for
// subscriptions.
message ListenSubscriptionsRequest { }
// SubscriptionMessage instructs the listener to start publishing messages for
// the stream or end a subscription.
// If Options.Follow == false, the worker should end the subscription on its own.
message SubscriptionMessage {
// ID identifies the subscription.
string id = 1;
// Selector defines which sources should be sent for the subscription.
LogSelector selector = 2;
// Options specify how the subscription should be satisfied.
LogSubscriptionOptions options = 3;
// Close will be true if the node should shutdown the subscription with the
// provided identifier.
bool close = 4;
message PublishLogsMessage {
// SubscriptionID identifies which subscription the set of messages should
// be sent to. We can think of this as a "mail box" for the subscription.
string subscription_id = 1;
// Messages is the log message for publishing.
repeated LogMessage messages = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false];
// Close is a boolean for whether or not the client has completed its log
// stream. When close is called, the manager can hang up the subscription.
// Any further logs from this subscription are an error condition. Any
// messages included when close is set can be discarded
bool close = 3;
message PublishLogsResponse { }