
418 lines
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package system
import (
pluginmanager ""
is ""
// helper function that base64 decodes a string and ignores the error
func base64Decode(val string) []byte {
decoded, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(val)
return decoded
var sampleInfoNoSwarm = types.Info{
ID: sampleID,
Containers: 0,
ContainersRunning: 0,
ContainersPaused: 0,
ContainersStopped: 0,
Images: 0,
Driver: "aufs",
DriverStatus: [][2]string{
{"Root Dir", "/var/lib/docker/aufs"},
{"Backing Filesystem", "extfs"},
{"Dirs", "0"},
{"Dirperm1 Supported", "true"},
SystemStatus: nil,
Plugins: types.PluginsInfo{
Volume: []string{"local"},
Network: []string{"bridge", "host", "macvlan", "null", "overlay"},
Authorization: nil,
Log: []string{"awslogs", "fluentd", "gcplogs", "gelf", "journald", "json-file", "logentries", "splunk", "syslog"},
MemoryLimit: true,
SwapLimit: true,
KernelMemory: true,
CPUCfsPeriod: true,
CPUCfsQuota: true,
CPUShares: true,
CPUSet: true,
IPv4Forwarding: true,
BridgeNfIptables: true,
BridgeNfIP6tables: true,
Debug: true,
NFd: 33,
OomKillDisable: true,
NGoroutines: 135,
SystemTime: "2017-08-24T17:44:34.077811894Z",
LoggingDriver: "json-file",
CgroupDriver: "cgroupfs",
NEventsListener: 0,
KernelVersion: "4.4.0-87-generic",
OperatingSystem: "Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS",
OSVersion: "",
OSType: "linux",
Architecture: "x86_64",
IndexServerAddress: "",
RegistryConfig: &registry.ServiceConfig{
AllowNondistributableArtifactsCIDRs: nil,
AllowNondistributableArtifactsHostnames: nil,
InsecureRegistryCIDRs: []*registry.NetIPNet{
IP: net.ParseIP(""),
Mask: net.IPv4Mask(255, 0, 0, 0),
IndexConfigs: map[string]*registry.IndexInfo{
"": {
Name: "",
Mirrors: nil,
Secure: true,
Official: true,
Mirrors: nil,
NCPU: 2,
MemTotal: 2097356800,
DockerRootDir: "/var/lib/docker",
HTTPProxy: "",
HTTPSProxy: "",
NoProxy: "",
Name: "system-sample",
Labels: []string{"provider=digitalocean"},
ExperimentalBuild: false,
ServerVersion: "17.06.1-ce",
ClusterStore: "",
ClusterAdvertise: "",
Runtimes: map[string]types.Runtime{
"runc": {
Path: "docker-runc",
Args: nil,
DefaultRuntime: "runc",
Swarm: swarm.Info{LocalNodeState: "inactive"},
LiveRestoreEnabled: false,
Isolation: "",
InitBinary: "docker-init",
ContainerdCommit: types.Commit{
ID: "6e23458c129b551d5c9871e5174f6b1b7f6d1170",
Expected: "6e23458c129b551d5c9871e5174f6b1b7f6d1170",
RuncCommit: types.Commit{
ID: "810190ceaa507aa2727d7ae6f4790c76ec150bd2",
Expected: "810190ceaa507aa2727d7ae6f4790c76ec150bd2",
InitCommit: types.Commit{
ID: "949e6fa",
Expected: "949e6fa",
SecurityOptions: []string{"name=apparmor", "name=seccomp,profile=default"},
var sampleSwarmInfo = swarm.Info{
NodeID: "qo2dfdig9mmxqkawulggepdih",
NodeAddr: "",
LocalNodeState: "active",
ControlAvailable: true,
Error: "",
RemoteManagers: []swarm.Peer{
NodeID: "qo2dfdig9mmxqkawulggepdih",
Addr: "",
Nodes: 1,
Managers: 1,
Cluster: &swarm.ClusterInfo{
ID: "9vs5ygs0gguyyec4iqf2314c0",
Meta: swarm.Meta{
Version: swarm.Version{Index: 11},
CreatedAt: time.Date(2017, 8, 24, 17, 34, 19, 278062352, time.UTC),
UpdatedAt: time.Date(2017, 8, 24, 17, 34, 42, 398815481, time.UTC),
Spec: swarm.Spec{
Annotations: swarm.Annotations{
Name: "default",
Labels: nil,
Orchestration: swarm.OrchestrationConfig{
TaskHistoryRetentionLimit: &[]int64{5}[0],
Raft: swarm.RaftConfig{
SnapshotInterval: 10000,
KeepOldSnapshots: &[]uint64{0}[0],
LogEntriesForSlowFollowers: 500,
ElectionTick: 3,
HeartbeatTick: 1,
Dispatcher: swarm.DispatcherConfig{
HeartbeatPeriod: 5000000000,
CAConfig: swarm.CAConfig{
NodeCertExpiry: 7776000000000000,
TaskDefaults: swarm.TaskDefaults{},
EncryptionConfig: swarm.EncryptionConfig{
AutoLockManagers: true,
TLSInfo: swarm.TLSInfo{
TrustRoot: `
CertIssuerSubject: base64Decode("MBMxETAPBgNVBAMTCHN3YXJtLWNh"),
CertIssuerPublicKey: base64Decode(
RootRotationInProgress: false,
var samplePluginsInfo = []pluginmanager.Plugin{
Name: "goodplugin",
Path: "/path/to/docker-goodplugin",
Metadata: pluginmanager.Metadata{
SchemaVersion: "0.1.0",
ShortDescription: "unit test is good",
Vendor: "ACME Corp",
Version: "0.1.0",
Name: "unversionedplugin",
Path: "/path/to/docker-unversionedplugin",
Metadata: pluginmanager.Metadata{
SchemaVersion: "0.1.0",
ShortDescription: "this plugin has no version",
Vendor: "ACME Corp",
Name: "badplugin",
Path: "/path/to/docker-badplugin",
Err: pluginmanager.NewPluginError("something wrong"),
func TestPrettyPrintInfo(t *testing.T) {
infoWithSwarm := sampleInfoNoSwarm
infoWithSwarm.Swarm = sampleSwarmInfo
infoWithWarningsLinux := sampleInfoNoSwarm
infoWithWarningsLinux.MemoryLimit = false
infoWithWarningsLinux.SwapLimit = false
infoWithWarningsLinux.KernelMemory = false
infoWithWarningsLinux.OomKillDisable = false
infoWithWarningsLinux.CPUCfsQuota = false
infoWithWarningsLinux.CPUCfsPeriod = false
infoWithWarningsLinux.CPUShares = false
infoWithWarningsLinux.CPUSet = false
infoWithWarningsLinux.IPv4Forwarding = false
infoWithWarningsLinux.BridgeNfIptables = false
infoWithWarningsLinux.BridgeNfIP6tables = false
sampleInfoDaemonWarnings := sampleInfoNoSwarm
sampleInfoDaemonWarnings.Warnings = []string{
"WARNING: No memory limit support",
"WARNING: No swap limit support",
"WARNING: No kernel memory limit support",
"WARNING: No oom kill disable support",
"WARNING: No cpu cfs quota support",
"WARNING: No cpu cfs period support",
"WARNING: No cpu shares support",
"WARNING: No cpuset support",
"WARNING: IPv4 forwarding is disabled",
"WARNING: bridge-nf-call-iptables is disabled",
"WARNING: bridge-nf-call-ip6tables is disabled",
sampleInfoBadSecurity := sampleInfoNoSwarm
sampleInfoBadSecurity.SecurityOptions = []string{"foo="}
for _, tc := range []struct {
doc string
dockerInfo info
prettyGolden string
warningsGolden string
jsonGolden string
expectedError string
doc: "info without swarm",
dockerInfo: info{
Info: &sampleInfoNoSwarm,
ClientInfo: &clientInfo{
Context: "default",
Debug: true,
prettyGolden: "docker-info-no-swarm",
jsonGolden: "docker-info-no-swarm",
doc: "info with plugins",
dockerInfo: info{
Info: &sampleInfoNoSwarm,
ClientInfo: &clientInfo{
Context: "default",
Plugins: samplePluginsInfo,
prettyGolden: "docker-info-plugins",
jsonGolden: "docker-info-plugins",
warningsGolden: "docker-info-plugins-warnings",
doc: "info with swarm",
dockerInfo: info{
Info: &infoWithSwarm,
ClientInfo: &clientInfo{
Context: "default",
Debug: false,
prettyGolden: "docker-info-with-swarm",
jsonGolden: "docker-info-with-swarm",
doc: "info with legacy warnings",
dockerInfo: info{
Info: &infoWithWarningsLinux,
ClientInfo: &clientInfo{
Context: "default",
Debug: true,
prettyGolden: "docker-info-no-swarm",
warningsGolden: "docker-info-warnings",
jsonGolden: "docker-info-legacy-warnings",
doc: "info with daemon warnings",
dockerInfo: info{
Info: &sampleInfoDaemonWarnings,
ClientInfo: &clientInfo{
Context: "default",
Debug: true,
prettyGolden: "docker-info-no-swarm",
warningsGolden: "docker-info-warnings",
jsonGolden: "docker-info-daemon-warnings",
doc: "errors for both",
dockerInfo: info{
ServerErrors: []string{"a server error occurred"},
ClientErrors: []string{"a client error occurred"},
prettyGolden: "docker-info-errors",
jsonGolden: "docker-info-errors",
expectedError: "errors pretty printing info",
doc: "bad security info",
dockerInfo: info{
Info: &sampleInfoBadSecurity,
ServerErrors: []string{"an error happened"},
ClientInfo: &clientInfo{Debug: false},
prettyGolden: "docker-info-badsec",
jsonGolden: "docker-info-badsec",
expectedError: "errors pretty printing info",
} {
t.Run(tc.doc, func(t *testing.T) {
cli := test.NewFakeCli(&fakeClient{})
err := prettyPrintInfo(cli, tc.dockerInfo)
if tc.expectedError == "" {
assert.NilError(t, err)
} else {
assert.Error(t, err, tc.expectedError)
golden.Assert(t, cli.OutBuffer().String(), tc.prettyGolden+".golden")
if tc.warningsGolden != "" {
golden.Assert(t, cli.ErrBuffer().String(), tc.warningsGolden+".golden")
} else {
assert.Check(t, is.Equal("", cli.ErrBuffer().String()))
cli = test.NewFakeCli(&fakeClient{})
assert.NilError(t, formatInfo(cli, tc.dockerInfo, "{{json .}}"))
golden.Assert(t, cli.OutBuffer().String(), tc.jsonGolden+".json.golden")
assert.Check(t, is.Equal("", cli.ErrBuffer().String()))
func TestFormatInfo(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []struct {
doc string
template string
expectedError string
expectedOut string
doc: "basic",
template: "{{.ID}}",
expectedOut: sampleID + "\n",
doc: "syntax",
template: "{{}",
expectedError: `Status: Template parsing error: template: :1: unexpected "}" in command, Code: 64`,
doc: "syntax",
template: "{{.badString}}",
expectedError: `template: :1:2: executing "" at <.badString>: can't evaluate field badString in type`,
} {
t.Run(tc.doc, func(t *testing.T) {
cli := test.NewFakeCli(&fakeClient{})
info := info{
Info: &sampleInfoNoSwarm,
ClientInfo: &clientInfo{Debug: true},
err := formatInfo(cli, info, tc.template)
if tc.expectedOut != "" {
assert.NilError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, cli.OutBuffer().String(), tc.expectedOut)
} else if tc.expectedError != "" {
assert.Error(t, err, tc.expectedError)
} else {
t.Fatal("test expected to neither pass nor fail")